Freeze dried Tubifex Worms


Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
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Warrington UK
Ok I know im daft but i bought some today and all it said is to feed what the fish can eat in 5 mins but..................................

do you have to leave them to soak or something before hand?

Advice not on the tub............. please how do you feed them to the fish?
I feed freeze dried Tubi worm.

All i do is hold with my fingers in the tank and when it because moist/water logged etc, i just move it between my fingers and tubi worm will come apart and the fish eat it.

Thats how i feed it but im sure other people have different ways.
I bought some of these for my fish a couple of months ago, and they wouldnt eat them :lol:
My oscar eats the cubes whole. :|
Synirr said:
My oscar eats the cubes whole. :|
My large fish eat them whole too, But what i do for the other fish is ......with the lid of the tubifex worms fill a little water from the tank and plop a chunk of worms into it and leave it for a while to let the worms soak up the water and then through the lot into the tank and its all broken up nicely..........magic!
I guess depends on the species. I used to break them up as described above, but I hate turning the power filter off during feeding time so I stopped doing this. Instead, now I break them apart when they are dry, and let them float. Most fishes come to the surface and feed on them. It lasts more than few minutes if you feed this way, though. Also, bottom feeders don't get much to eat either - but they get plenty of other food, so I'm not worried... ;)
sorry i forgot to add that its not good for a fish to eat dry food as i will cause problems when digesting if the food is not soaked first.
jasmine said:
I bought some of these for my fish a couple of months ago, and they wouldnt eat them :lol:
same thing here - my ran will eat anything though like today i put some thawed shrimp in dropped 2 small chunks first he grabs the first one then when the second drops he goes to it and puts it next to the first one he is one greedy bastard
on the side of the thing it says ur supposed to stick it onto the side of ur tank and thats wut i do and they nibble at it 1 by 1 its pretty cool, maybe its different for u guys but that workd for me its sorta like a bird feeder for fish :D
I heard freeze dried foods are bad... that why I haven't bought any... are they really as bad as they say? Or like Nidge said, it's gotta be soaked first??
i normally break them up like oxo cubes for my fish, then into a fine powder for my livebearer fry, i did just plop the cubes in when i first got it, but most of the smaller fish couldnt get any.
I think the brand you have also makes a big difference on whether your fish will like the tubifex worms or not. I started out with the wardley brand, and my fish didn't seem too interested. I also got frustrated because they square would only stick to the glass for about 5 minutes before it came off. I then tried hikari tubifex worms, and all my fish go apey! I don't even stick them to the glass anymore. I just plop them in the tank, and I think the fish enjoy pulling them off the cube that way. They seem to think the worms are alive when the cube is free floating. I don't feed them these worms daily though. I have read they are very fatty, so once a week they get them!

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