How often should you do a water change?

fufanu360 said:
nuh uh nope not true, you should NEVER do more than a 30% water change weekly or twice weekly maybe, its a known fact common guys :unsure:
It's a known fact that the bacteria lives in the surfaces in the tank, and doesn't float freely around, as David has mentioned earlier.

I do 25-30% once a week for the 65 gallon. The 10 gallon gets 30% twice a week, since it gets dirty fast.

I dont really have a schedule. Maybe every other week or so I do a water change/ gravel syphon. The amount of water I take depends on how dirty the sand is (poop and extra food and whatnot). I never think I go past 40% or so. I wash out the filter media(or change the carbon) no sooner than a week after I have changed the water, and then wait another week after that to change the water again just to make sure that the bacteria has built up again.
so how often should you change the water in a planted tank? say a 15gal with 9 med size plants... :blush:
why are water changes different with plants?
The temperature of the water should be taken into the equation, I do 20 to 25% weekly personally, but as this thread explains, each tank has its own guide line.


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