The Fish Trust Me Too Much!!!


New Member
Sep 3, 2004
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Southern California
I have a 60 gallon aquarium with 3 rosy barbs, 3 tiger barbs, 3 dojos, and 4 red wag tail platies. When I first got them, they were all shy (of course) and just acted like "normal" fish swimming around...

But now (4 months later) they are getting quite annoying -_- I'm not saying I do not like them, because I do! They each have a distinctly different personality that I love! But now, everytime I enter the room, they are not acting like "normal" fish anymore...they all follow me on the side of the tank (Example, everytime I got to the right side of the room, they all start swimming to the very top of the right corner tank, and if I went left then they would go left. You get the idea :rolleyes: ) They trust me too much. I like how they trust me and all, but it is like a too talkative person following you around at school all the time, thinking you guys are the best of friends :grr: They hope they can get food, that is why the follow me. It if getting quite annoying, I mean, I want them to swim around the tank, be fishes! :blink: The tank looks bare and to say, quite odd.

I tried ignoring them, hoping they would understand that I would not give them food if they acted like that, but it doesn't work, and I have to feed them sometime during the day. It is like giving a bad dog a juicy bone! :X

Does anyone have any suggestions?? ;)
Set up an auto feeder and start caching them by hand perhaps? my fish ignore me because I dont use a net when I take off the top its either to catch them or change water or feedthem there is no way for them to tell. Also if you spend more time in the room they may come to think of you as a constant as apose to the bringer of food.
Best way to get rid of Friendly Fish Syndrome is not be too "mumsy" and careful with them. Fish are fairly hardy and doing stuff like adjusting their tank or moving decor around keeps them on their toes.

Also try de-regulating the feeding patterns. It is quite easy to condition fish and other animals in ways such as this.

hey, i don't have any fish yet but my cusin got me into the whole idea and she said that before she put her tank in her bedroom the fish were always so nice and friendly and since she put them in there they ignor her. I guess it's because they've gotten used to her being there without giveing any food
Mine do that too, i have a chair right behind the tank and they just sit there and expect food, i'm hoping now that I have the tank in the living room they'll also get used to the fact that i dont feed them everytime they see me walk by
my fish ae like that too, as soon as i si in the chair i have in front of the tank their at the top middle waiting for food .. users i tell you, i save them from their small 10 gallon tanks in teh store and they beg for food :lol:
Who says fish are dumb eh? Mine know the second I enter their room and go bananas swimming up and down the tank like they are starving. Either they know I'm a real pushover(which I am working hard NOT to be!) or they like the variety of food they get and want moooore. Yes, my Betta does an entire song and dance if he's hungry too, but the Guppies go right frantic..."Feed me! Feed me!" like Audrey the plant from outer space in the musical Little Shop of Horrors. :rolleyes: They ignore me once they're fed. :no: Oh yeah they know how to use me alright. Fish are NOT dumb.
My betta immediately swims to the surface when I open the lid, whether it is to feed them, catch them or do a water change. He's really quite naive. :wub: :p
i have only had my angels for a few weeks and if I drag my finger across the glass of their tank (w/out actually touching it to prevent noise for them) they all follow. They are so sweet and so smart!
ah thats fish for u, mine are on a fast atm.. its on there 2nd day.. tonight after iv done the water changes they shall have bloodworms... and they know it -_-

my dwarf gouramis on the other hand want nothin to do with me at all, even at feeding times they stay at the back in hidin untill i turn the lights off (i feed them at night) then they come out pickin for left overs.
I wonder if 1-way glass would work well on a fish tank, like they have on the movies, usually a mirror on one side and see through on the other isn't it? Imagine if you could see them and they couldn't see you....

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