humane way to put fish down?


New Member
Aug 24, 2004
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there was a fight in my boyfriend's tank between two fish. we sperate the injured to a hospital tank where he spend his last few days looking miserable. i felt terrible for him, and knew it was his end, but didn't have any humane way of putting him down. is there something, like a solution, that we could of put him in to put him out of his misery? just in case, some time in the furture, such a solution is needed. all we have are freshwater fish, if that makes a difference.

(btw, the tank that the fight happened in was fixed. we realized what was causing the problem and moved everybody around accordingly. so don't worry, no other fish should be harmed)
Pure clove oil will humanely put fish to sleep when used at the correct dose. Place the fish into a bucket of tankwater and add the oil one drop at a time until the fish goes to sleep and then add a few drops more to finish the job. Leave the fish in the solution for 30 minutes and then discard of the corpse in the household reffuse.
I aggree that Clove oil is the most humane way to euthinise a fish
Clove oil is used to anaesthetize fish and is fatal to fish at doses greater than ¼ ml per litre of water. Clove oil is used in beer brewing and can be purchased through home-brewing outlets. It is also an aromatherapy oil, so try specialty outlets where oils are sold. Keep in mind that clove oil is classified as hazardous and can be irritating to the skin and eyes, and can be harmful if swallowed.
put the fish in water and put it in the freezer, they will feel no pain, just slowly everything in their body will shut down and they will be dead. no pain.
superballs5337 said:
put the fish in water and put it in the freezer, they will feel no pain, just slowly everything in their body will shut down and they will be dead. no pain.
Hmmm. Would you like to die a slow and painful death like that?? Not a good idea!
superballs5337 said:
put the fish in water and put it in the freezer, they will feel no pain, just slowly everything in their body will shut down and they will be dead. no pain.
That has to be the worst and crulest advice I have ever seen on here. :no:
I use vodka, since I can't find any pure clove oil around here.

Here are some sites to visit to find out more:

As pure as possible - vodka, tequila.

The method is that you have the alcohol at the same temperature as the water in your aquarium - the fish is introduced to the alcohol and immediately becomes overwhelmed by it.

Alcohol works like an anesthetic and is at lethal levels. The fish will instantly be paralysed and unconscious, death follows quickly due to respiratory failure.

Recommended for: all fish

Humane rating: 100%
Place the fish into a bath containing any of the following:

- Alcohol: 1:5 (20%) solution of any other strong grain neutral alcohol, such as vodka, and water
See the pinned post in the beginner's forum on euthanasia

im sorry, no fish live in lakes or ponds where they freeze over. thats what i thought. it doesnt hurt them just slows them down and eventually just kills them. no one knows of they feel pain this way but i highly doubt they do. kinda like hibernation but they just dont wake up. and ive talked to many LFS and fish keepers for 10-20+ years and they say its not a bad way. better then flushing down a toilet. i think u are all wrong on this one. unless u can prove to me they feel it.
Just my opinion...But i've had some pretty beat up fish who would seem to be on the brink of death. But i'd always try and let the fish heal before i'd consider killing it. Torn and damaged fins aswell as body damage can usually be healed given time and proper water conditions. The only instance where i would euthanise a fish is where deformaties or obvious handicap is involved!! Again just my opinion.
Chooklet said:
Alcohol....thats how I;d like to go......if i was going to go
i hear that - i think its pretty cruel to do a thing liek that to a fish though :(
cluster said:
Chooklet said:
Alcohol....thats how I;d like to go......if i was going to go
i hear that - i think its pretty cruel to do a thing liek that to a fish though :(
Actually it is very humane....the fishies go to sleep....not painful at all.....far better then freezing the little buggers.....which don't actually die until almost completely frozen...imagine the feeling of ice crystals forming in your body....not very humane huh

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