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  1. G

    Cycling Help Needed

    Am I finally cycled after nearly 6 weeks? Todays water results....Ammonia.....0, Nitrites..0, Nitrates....10ppm.
  2. G

    How Do You Keep Track Of Your Fish?

    The fish........apart from my beautiful wife. (She reads this board too). :rolleyes:
  3. G

    How Do You Keep Track Of Your Fish?

    I have a little black book. It used to have phone numbers and details of girlfriends in it......but now it has details of fish/water tests and car registrations of cars that park outside of my house!!
  4. G

    Oliver's New Tank

    Nice Angels matey. Are they ok to keep in a community tank? Always remember my dad kept them when I was a lad and he used to say something like, "they may be called Angelfish....but they sometimes have a bit of the devil in them". But thinking retrospectively, he probably had loads of fish...
  5. G

    Oliver's New Tank

    You sound as technically inept as I am waterdrop lol. :blush: Good to hear that you and the lad are getting back on course with the tank.
  6. G

    Starting A Website About Tropical Fish?

    There are some very good tropical fish sites on the internet highway. Personally I have one prefered site that I spend most of my fish related leisure time on...but there are about another 6 or so that I like to visit as the craik and banter on the message boards are slightly different. I say go...
  7. G

    Brown Stuff On Ornament

    Have started to get the same thing with my tank which has been running for about 8 weeks. I might get a real plant and reduce the time the lights are on. Currently they get switched on at 8 am and switch off midnight!!!
  8. G

    Oliver's Tank Gives Way

    Sorry to read about your tank failure waterdrop. It must be every aquarists worst worry for this to happen. How has your lad taken it all? I wish you both well with the new set up. All of this talk has got me worried about my tank/stand. The tank sems to sit on the stand with about 5mm to the...
  9. G

    Why Did You Want To Keep Fish.

    Because my son wanted to keep tropical fish.
  10. G

    Practical Fish Keeping Forum

    I joined the PFK board when I couldn't access the TFF. I didn't post anything (I don't recall posting owt like) because i was happy enough to just log on and read what was happening on their board at that moment of time......(got some great info and advice into the bargain).
  11. G

    Leaky Tank

    Have e-mailed Fluval/Hagan customer advice whotsit. Lets see if they reply.
  12. G

    Leaky Tank

    (Otterdance) I have the same problem with my Fluval Roma 240. A the odd droplet of water runs down the outside of the front pane from the hood frame - always in the same place. It's not often, usually just when I'm doing maintenance or if the fish are a bit frisky but it is annoying. Dropping...
  13. G

    Leaky Tank

    Thanks for the reply. The problem isn't a leak at a glass pane to glass pane join. But where the hood frame overlaps the glass at the top of the tank. Does sillicone just seal glass to glass and not glass to plastic?
  14. G

    Leaky Tank

    I have a Fluval tank. It is rectangular....not the bowed type. I think it is leaking water, (like an evaporation kind of leak) at the front where the hood/cover joins the glass. The water doesn't leak from evaporated water coming out of any of the cover items but deffo from where the hood base...
  15. G

    Why Water Changes During Cycling Are Good

    Plenty in there to think about and debate. I'ma bit shellshocked and probably need to read through a few more times to get a clearer idea of the concept(s).
  16. G

    Can I Put Bio Balls/ceramic Rings

    Thanks Colin_T. I don't really know if my filter has a compartment for bio whotsits..have managed to lose instructions. Will have to wait until I do my first sponge clean and have a good look at the setup inside.
  17. G

    Can I Put Bio Balls/ceramic Rings

    in a Fluval 3 filter. It currently has a basic foam filter pad. Would balls and rings give more surface area ? Dunno if there is a compartment or owt for these, but I could either cut holes in the foam and fill them or cut the foam in half lengthwise and "sandwich" bio balls between the 2...
  18. G

    Api Multitest Kits

    Mine must be ok. Have tested domestic water. Ammonia = 0, (mellow yellow). Nitrates = 5ppm, (not mellow colour down.
  19. G

    Im New To The Forum

    Welcome bearlasmom...any chance of some pics of your tank/cichlids? :good:
  20. G

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome BSH. Bettas, beautiful as they are, are just too high maintenence fish for a struggling noob like myself. :blink:
  21. G

    Api Multitest Kits

    Don't recall shaking timing being mentioned!! Just the reading time. Even as an eccentric Brit...I wouldn't mess with the shaking timings!! (unless I was Austin Powers).
  22. G

    Update On My Cycle!

    Me and my lad are in a pseudo surreal fishless cycling state. We started, (with good intent) about 15 days ago for a fishless cycle but for about the first week we didn't know how much ammonia was in the tank!! Yep..the rest is more add and wait method whotsit. We think that we may be near to...
  23. G

    Cycling Help Needed

    Thats a point Dan81192. My LFS know that I am trying to cycle a tank, (coz I told 'em like) and they didn't offer to give or sell me some bacteria enriched gravel or filter foam......Think I need to say goodbye to them and find a "good 'un".
  24. G

    Api Multitest Kits

    I have done some basic form of trial for my API multitest kit. I know it isn't clinically sound but I reckon that there is no need to meticulously time the 5 minutes after putting the drops in the test tube for the Ammonia/NitrAtes and NitrItes tests. I have recently completed these tests and...
  25. G

    Api Water Test Kit Question

    When testing the tank water as a noob...I think that your mind can play tricks on your vision :crazy: Your eyes see the actual colour change, but if it wasn't the result that you were hoping for then your mind makes you interpret the resulting colour change towards a more favourable test...
  26. G

    Fishless but pleased so far

    Thank you. I can't see myself downloading/uploading, (whatever the term is) any pics as I don't have a digital camera. But for future reference....down/uploading pics appears to be a skill required for most fishkeeping boards. But I do enjoy viewing all of the fish/setups/ on this website. :good:
  27. G

    To All Newbies!

    Now there is an inspiring post to everyone, (incl me) who may be struggling to cycle a tank at present. It must be a great feeling when it is all done..and you have beautiful and healthy fish in the tank. Peace and tranquility personified.....the "calm after the storm". Congrats to you Gilli. :good:
  28. G

    Ammonia Reading

    I think there will be more advice offered by some of the more experienced posters on here. I am very new to all of this testing thing...but my answers are my own interpretation to your questions. Best of luck to you.
  29. G

    Ammonia Reading

    I don't know what situation you are testing for ammonia matey. I will probably get shot down for this, but I think you should be getting a test kit that allows for higher ppm readings if you are cycling a tank as you need to know what ammonia to add depending on current, (usually quite high)...
  30. G

    Fishless but pleased so far

    I didn't realise that the age of a photo mattered? Could someone offer a more educated answer?
  31. G

    Cycling Help Needed

    Hello. Don't know if your tank will cycle within 5 weeks. But there is an ammonia calculator in the Aquarium Calculator section. Hope this helps you.
  32. G

    Beginner Small Tank Diary

    It's shocking to receive a tank in the post in that condition. I was just wondering if the package had any "handle with care" warning stickers, (or the likes) on it? Me and my son are new to fishkeeping and we have a 90 litre Fluval tank set up and cycling at present. We are interested in...
  33. G

    Uk Gallons And Us Gallons's got to be working with litres for me but even then, I like to attempt to work out what something weighs in imperial weight or costs pre decimalisation!!! I am of the age when learning about pounds, shillings, pence, drams, ounces, inches, yards, acres, furlongs and imperial miles was...
  34. G

    Fishless but pleased so far

    Sounds good. Unfortunately I can't view the "user posted image". Do I have to click somewhere to see it?
  35. G

    This Looks Like A Good Forum For A Fish Newbie!

    It is more fish in cycle (without the fish) than a fishless cycle. :blush: I need to get some serious ammounts of ammonia into the tank rather than messing around with degrading fish food. Its difficult to try to explain to the lad about the ammonia as he sees it as basically similar to adding...
  36. G

    This Looks Like A Good Forum For A Fish Newbie!

    Day 8. Not so much a fishless cycle...more like just mullarking around..but very enjoyable mullarkey, if you get my drift. Have now got an API master test kit. I even used the test tubes and added the drops in a "mad scientist" style...mainly to bolster my son as he is still disappointed that he...
  37. G

    Nitrites And Nitrates

    Hoping to get an API multi test kit today waterdrop. At the moment I have been trying to test water with paper strips. 2 problems...... 1) Difficult to observe the colour changes esp between the critical first two reading squares for nitrAtes and nitrItes..NitrAtes go from 0-10ppm and NitrItes...
  38. G

    Nitrites And Nitrates

    Lol :D I agree....I could just about grasp the oxygen/CO2 cycle...but the nitrogen cycle was totally beyond me!! Plus I was probs too busy trying to impress a certain lass that I fancied!!! Easier to learn now that my hormones have settled! :(