Api Multitest Kits


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Mar 25, 2008
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I have done some basic form of trial for my API multitest kit. I know it isn't clinically sound but I reckon that there is no need to meticulously time the 5 minutes after putting the drops in the test tube for the Ammonia/NitrAtes and NitrItes tests.
I have recently completed these tests and meticulously timed the 5 minutes for reading the results. Then kept the botles and taken readings at 10/20 and 30 mins. With no changes to the results colours over that timespan.

I know this isn't going to radically change the world....But at least I aint gonna get chewed up with timing these tests.

If you good people already knew this then I apologise for wasting the last minute of your life!!
Thanks...I kinda figured something like that. However, I still plan on setting my timers and checking it as close to the reccommended time as possible for my own sanity!

I would disagree with you on the shaking part of the nitrate test, when it comes to timing how long to shake it!
Don't recall shaking timing being mentioned!! Just the reading time. Even as an eccentric Brit...I wouldn't mess with the shaking timings!!

(unless I was Austin Powers).
Think you're right about the shake being timed. My kit shows that you should shake bottle 2 for 30 seconds. :unsure:
That's right, bottle 2 on the Nitrate test should be shaken for 30 seconds, then the 10 drops put in and then the capped tube should be shaken for a full minute (a lot of shaking) before starting the timer for 5 minutes. The shaking parts of the Nitrate test are quite important according to my dye chemist relative! Nitrate tests are among the more difficult and unreliable to design.

I have done some basic form of trial for my API multitest kit. I know it isn't clinically sound but I reckon that there is no need to meticulously time the 5 minutes after putting the drops in the test tube for the Ammonia/NitrAtes and NitrItes tests.
I have recently completed these tests and meticulously timed the 5 minutes for reading the results. Then kept the botles and taken readings at 10/20 and 30 mins. With no changes to the results colours over that timespan.

I know this isn't going to radically change the world....But at least I aint gonna get chewed up with timing these tests.

If you good people already knew this then I apologise for wasting the last minute of your life!!
I would be reluctant to assume that your single test of looking again at 10, 20 and 30 minutes would be valid for all situations. While it may be true that the designer just wanted to be sure that you wait at least 5 minutes, you don't know whether that is the only consideration. I suppose you could try emailing their tech support...

For the amount of times you will ever need to do water tests in your lifetime I really cannot see the reason for not following instruction properly :rolleyes:
I was actually going to post somthing about my api test kit that i found out today. It seems that the yellow on the ammonia is never yellow but a very light green. I did a test on both of my tanks when i got home and it looked like both was 0.25ppm so i tested the water and that came up with the exact same colour, so as i was a little worried my tap had ammonia i tested some bottled water, which again had the exact same colour. So all four of the test where exactly the same colour, and i couldnt tell which one was which so I assume that there all at 0ppm. Dont know if i have a faulty kit or the yellow is never yellow just a very very pale green.
Curious, I've had many times on my api test when I would describe it as a very pure yellow with no hint of green whatsoever! I think doresy has described it that way too if I'm not mistaken.
Mine must be ok. Have tested domestic water. Ammonia = 0, (mellow yellow). Nitrates = 5ppm, (not mellow yellow..next colour down.
Just tested my tap water with my api kit. It was yellow with the slightest hint of green. I would say between 0-0.25 Ammonia
Nitrate bottle 2 need to be shaken for 1 minute vigourasly. if this is not well shaken up then the test will show less nitrate readings, the better you shake the better the result ;)
I was actually going to post somthing about my api test kit that i found out today. It seems that the yellow on the ammonia is never yellow but a very light green. I did a test on both of my tanks when i got home and it looked like both was 0.25ppm so i tested the water and that came up with the exact same colour, so as i was a little worried my tap had ammonia i tested some bottled water, which again had the exact same colour. So all four of the test where exactly the same colour, and i couldnt tell which one was which so I assume that there all at 0ppm. Dont know if i have a faulty kit or the yellow is never yellow just a very very pale green.

I use a tetratest kit but my ammonia tests are all green shades..the lightest being a very light greenish yellow like your describing. My nitrite tests are different than what I hear talked about on here too going from pure yellow to very red. LOL

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