Hello Everyone!


New Member
Apr 7, 2008
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Well, I am new to this forums, but definitley not new to fish owning! I currently own two bettas, and am hopefully going to be getting a beautiful Cambodian Blue Betta tomorrow (couldn't tell if it was male or female yesterday when i saw him/her!)!! :good: So I'm very excited! I have been TRYING to get my bettas to breed for quite some time now, and so I figured I would join a fish forum to get some help, even though my older sister has breed bettas before..... I still thought I'd join! Well this is currently my only breeding pair, but I'm hoping to get some more! I am just starting out small, but I'm trying to find some really good bettas to enhance the colours in my breeding program!

So hello to all! Here are my two current fishies: (sorry the pictures aren't too good!)

This is my Blue & Red Mutlicolour Male, Blitz. I think he has a Veil Tail, although I'm not sure, and this isn't a very good picture of him.... (I'll get some new ones :nod: )

And this is my darling girlly, Zelda. She is a wonderful colour, and she has two horizontal lines on the sides of her body. She is a light creamish-colour with a tan/brown upper body (near her dorsal fin).

So, that's my only current breeding pair! As I type, they're in the spawning tank together...and Blitz is working on his large bubblenest :D while Zelda is just hiding quietly....She's been in a smaller tank in this larger tank for about a week and a half now (besides a day when it was being cleaned!) and so she's had plenty of time to interact and like him, but still no action!

Well, that's me and my small, school! Have any questions, just let me know! :)

Brook Stone Betta-Fish Hatchery
hi BrookStoneHatchery :hi: to the forum
i carnt give you any advise on bettas because iv never kept them before but many otheres on this forum will :good:
Welcome BSH. Bettas, beautiful as they are, are just too high maintenence fish for a struggling noob like myself.
Thanks everyone!
I just got two new fishies today and after they're all settled in, I'll take pictures! I need help figuring out the males' colouring. He's gorgeouss, though. He's like yellow, white, turquoise, pink, etc. and his name is Rainbo, or Bo for short. The female is a Cambodian Red (cuz the Cambo. Blue that was there on Sunday wasn't there :( ) and her name is Rosie, cuz the spots on her cheeks are just adorable!

Pictures coming later! :)

PICTURES!! Sorry theyre blurry. I will use my sisters better camera later.
- Cambodian Red Female - Rosie
- Multicolour (?) Male (Veil Tail) - Rainbo
- Multicolour (?) Female - Zelda
- Blue & Red Multicolour Male (Veil Tail) - Blitz
And here's a video of them. I had to use a flashlight to light up some of the tanks so you can see their colouring better. That's why Zelda was hiding, she was afraid of the flashlight, lol.


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