This Looks Like A Good Forum For A Fish Newbie!

Where in Teesside are you? I'm south Stockton and with an API kit, my tap water is pH6.9 and almost zero nitrate. The main problem I have is very low KH, so pH swings are a danger.

Regading shops, if you're not too far from Darlington, try Fintasia in D'ton itself and Paddck Farm at Dalton.
Thanks for the replies and advice guys...much appreciated. Even if I just get a decent water testing kit it will be a step in the right direction. Unfortunately it may not be for another 3 or 4 days so I will have to soldier on with what I have at the moment.

Yeah...I can get to those places like Stockton-on-Tees/Billingham/Darlington problems there....even thinking of travelling up to Newcastle upon Tyne area to visit aquatic shops I don't mind travelling maybe 30 miles to find good stockists or suppliers.

The more I learn about this subject the more I like it...should have started years ago. Yeah...deffo got something about it this tropical fish thing!!!
Day 8. Not so much a fishless cycle...more like just mullarking around..but very enjoyable mullarkey, if you get my drift. Have now got an API master test kit.
I even used the test tubes and added the drops in a "mad scientist" style...mainly to bolster my son as he is still disappointed that he hasn't got any fish yet!!

Ok then..scores on the doors.

Ammonia...0.25 ppm.
NitrAte......5 ppm.
NitrIte.......0.25 ppm.
pH............Was getting a little cocky by this test and decided to test with the "normal range" test and "high range" test...wish I didn't as I got two seperate readings!!! (I know what you guys are all saying..2 tests therefore 2 results, it isn't rocket science) but to explain, I did the high range test because the strips that I was using before the dropper test was indicating very high alkalinity....and like an idiot I was testing with the normal without giving it much thought.

pH (normal kit).......7.6
pH (high range)......8.2

If, with more water changes, I can get Ammonia and NitrItes to 0 ppm, can I put just a couple of fish in the tank??
If, with more water changes, I can get Ammonia and NitrItes to 0 ppm, can I put just a couple of fish in the tank??

the problem is, as soon as you put fish in the tank ammonia will start giong up and you haven't got enough bacteria to process the waste yet. I know it must be difficult for your son as he wants fish now, but watching a fish die due to ammonia/nitrite will be much worse than waiting.
good idea acting like a mad scientist though!

It's hard to say where you are with cycling since you don't know how much ammonia you started with, but you are definately making progress.

bring ammonia back up to around 4ppm and see where you are tomorrow.
Day 8.


If, with more water changes, I can get Ammonia and NitrItes to 0 ppm, can I put just a couple of fish in the tank??
Knowing you have a good sense of humor I assume I'm missing something...

But if this sentence is straight up it must mean one of two things, either you are confusing a fish-in cycle process with a fishless cycle process or, more likely you're wavering on your resolve (gee, where's winston when we need him) to delay gratification... ;)
It is more fish in cycle (without the fish) than a fishless cycle. :blush: I need to get some serious ammounts of ammonia into the tank rather than messing around with degrading fish food. Its difficult to try to explain to the lad about the ammonia as he sees it as basically similar to adding "bleach" to the tank and he cannot comprehend that you have to make the tank toxic before it becomes ready for fish.
He is adamant that bottled ammonia wont go into the tank but I may have to revert to this while he is at school. Yes..I have to make the decision to up the ante with this cycling mullarkey :shifty: .

To be fair I have been trying to cycle without knowing the tanks ammonia content until today. Which is difficult if not impossible.

No matey..the resolve is still there...only the knowledge and technique is lacking :unsure:

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