Brown Stuff On Ornament


New Member
Apr 13, 2008
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I have a little bit of brown stuff building up on my volcano ornament around my pump tube. is this algae? is it harmful? and can i just scrape it off.

I have a little bit of brown stuff building up on my volcano ornament around my pump tube. is this algae? is it harmful? and can i just scrape it off.


sounds like it is algea, if the tank is a new setup then you may also get a bit more of it too on the glass,

How long do you keep the lights in the tank o for

does the tank see much direct sunlight

Do you have any live plants in the tank ??

sounds like it is algea, if the tank is a new setup then you may also get a bit more of it too on the glass,

How long do you keep the lights in the tank o for

does the tank see much direct sunlight

Do you have any live plants in the tank ??

the lights are on for approximately 14 hours a day. it doesnt see any direct sunlight really. there are no live plants in the tank either.
the lights are on for approximately 14 hours a day. it doesnt see any direct sunlight really. there are no live plants in the tank either.

14 hours is a long time, most would recomend a max of 12 hrs a day, lots of light will increase the growth of algea. may be worth resetting the timers for when the lights come on and off, this should help a little, also some more live plants can also help as they take away the same neutriants that the alge need to grow.
i have had brown algae with new tank norm declines as the tank matures, its easy to clean...clean ornament with clean cloth and tank water, it should come off easy
14 hours a day of light and no other plants hogging all the goodness sounds Like algea heaven! You dont need to leave you light on for that long :)
Plus algea isnt harmfull at all it just makes tanks look dirty :)
i keep a toothbrush on hand for just such an ocassion because i had them same problem, just when ever you go a water change pull out the ornament give it a goo scrub and add it back and you should be fine.
Well if the tank is large enough a suggestion is to get a pleco. They will clean that up in no time flat.
Pleco's are great, if its a small tank then get a small pleco, clown or bristle nose will be fine.

As for cleaning, i use a nail brush and it come's off easily, the stubborn brown stuff is more difficult though, use boiling hot water and a little bleach and then wash off with aquasafe to remove the bleach and it will be safe to go back in the tank.
I have a little bit of brown stuff building up on my volcano ornament around my pump tube. is this algae? is it harmful? and can i just scrape it off.


Have started to get the same thing with my tank which has been running for about 8 weeks. I might get a real plant and reduce the time the lights are on. Currently they get switched on at 8 am and switch off midnight!!!
14 hours a day of light and no other plants hogging all the goodness sounds Like algea heaven! You dont need to leave you light on for that long :)
Plus algea isnt harmfull at all it just makes tanks look dirty :)
I agree with aquanovice. With no live plants, the light only need be optionally switched on when someone is going to be in the room and wants it on.

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