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  1. Daveyg1969

    My Fish Are Dieing Help!

    Hi Dave, it sounds like your tank hasn't cycled properly due to the high nitrites, which is probably why the fish have white spot due to stress. After the 50% water change you do today, you will need to do around a 20-25% water change every other day, which will help to reduce the nitrite level...
  2. Daveyg1969


    Hey nice Oto. I find Oto's in general can be a bit tricky/shy, but seem to love cucumber hidden in plants held by a lettuce clip, as they can feed in peace.
  3. Daveyg1969

    High Ph Reading

    Tap water is a nightmare at the moment, where I live we don't change water over the weekend, as we know people who work for the water company, and they have told us they throw allsorts of chemicals in it over the weekend to make it ok for drinking. The best thing to do with tap water is add some...
  4. Daveyg1969

    Help... Ich That Won't Shift..

    Clown loaches are a nightmare for this, my local LFS tells me he adds a dose of Protozin to a tank of recently purchased clown loaches as a precaution.
  5. Daveyg1969

    Juwel Weekly Filter Media Maintenance

    Sounds like a good idea Jimbo, think I might try that, I like the extra space at the top of Jewel filters for the extra media, pretty good design methinks.
  6. Daveyg1969


    I recently used Protozin to combat white spot, and it has now cleared, apparently it is quite a mild medicine as well.
  7. Daveyg1969

    Aldi Fish Tank Special Buy

    Will make a good hospital tank if nothing else for such a good price.
  8. Daveyg1969

    I Have A Water Problem Can Anybody Help

    Hi SJ I was reffering more to the part where Bradbury was asking what to test for m8, and also as a precautionary measure. Didn't think about the bogwood thing as I have never added it to my tank, as much as I would like to, due to the tannin, apologies Brad. Also I like to use filter start in a...
  9. Daveyg1969

    Juwel Weekly Filter Media Maintenance

    The white pad should be changed about every week, and that's it. I would't take any other media out weekly, just leave it as disturbing it will more than likely disturb the bio culture, as part timer has stated. Only change the pads as you have been doing, i.e carbon roughly 4 weeks, Nitrate...
  10. Daveyg1969

    Cycled Tank

    Nice 1 Andy, think there's a bit of a typo there tho mate with 75%, it's usually 25%, but the rest is great advice. Also I've found that people who are just starting to cycle a tank are tempted to clean the filters about every week, as long as the flow is ok, and the water stats, they are best...
  11. Daveyg1969

    Uk People

    If looked after properly you shouldn't have any problems.
  12. Daveyg1969

    Uk People

    Wish I did have shares in Jewel I would defo give up my day job! As for water changes about 10-15% once a month suits my tank well, as we have utterly crap tap water where I live and anything more than this can cause my P.H to crash, so overchanging water for me isn't really an option, but the...
  13. Daveyg1969

    Nightmare Continues!

    Hi Mark, I would do as rip says, you may lose a few more fish, but just keep going with the water changes and it will eventually calm down. I do find that 'filter start' speeds up the process if added every other day, but I never got on with 'Cycle' whilst I was in this situation, dunno why, it...
  14. Daveyg1969

    My First Tank, Fully Setup

    Good going m8, keep us posted on here and good luck :thumbs:
  15. Daveyg1969

    How To Get Rid Of Cloudy Water Help!

    Let the filter do it's job or get some filter aid
  16. Daveyg1969

    Hi All. Just Thought I'd Say Hi.

    Also Jewel filters are great if left to get on with their job and not disturbed unless absolutely necessary, and the Nitrate pad cuts down on the need for water changes once your tank has cycled.
  17. Daveyg1969

    I Want A New Tank

    Yeah u got a point there SJ, but if I had the money, I would defo go down the marine route.
  18. Daveyg1969

    Quiet Air Pump

    Yes they are, and you can get various sizes, good value. Just make sure it is on a completely flat surface, or secured in some way.
  19. Daveyg1969

    Diy Nitrate Filter

    Dunno, but you could add a nitrate pad to ur filter if you have room, mine works really well. I know ur tank isn't planted, but live plants do effectively cut down on Nitrate levels, as Nitrate is a contributing food for healthy plant growth.
  20. Daveyg1969

    Crud In Sump

    There is a product by interpet called sludge control or summat thereabouts. Is the sludge affecting the flow of the filter or not? If not I wouldn't worry too much about it, as it could be a beneficial bacteria buildup. If it has an earthy smell to it, 10 to 1 it's just beneficial bacteria.
  21. Daveyg1969

    Yoyo Loaches Make Me Laugh.

    Cool, thanks for sharing.
  22. Daveyg1969

    Some Of My Fish

    I love the 1st shot of the otto, they look really cool when viewed head on, looks like he got a muzzy as well lol :lol:
  23. Daveyg1969

    Bristlenose Plec Babies

    Nice 1 they look cool.
  24. Daveyg1969

    Infinite Supply Of Ammonia....?

    Yeah test kit sounds a bit dodgy to me, take a specimen of water to your LFS to be independently tested. Your carbon element in your filter should still be ok, so I would avoid disturbing it in any way. Also the amount of water you have changed will slow down the cycle process drastically. Don't...
  25. Daveyg1969

    Am Really Excited

    :hi: and good luck, keep us posted on here, I'm sure all your questions will be answered.
  26. Daveyg1969

    Cloudy Water

    I agree entirely, all this water changing malarky, it can get out of hand if done excessively, leave the filter to do its job.
  27. Daveyg1969

    Using Mature Media

    If ur not using the old tank, then I would transfer the filter also, this will speed up the process significantly as it is the filter that really needs to cycle. You can also add another filter if the old 1 is too small for the new tank. If ur in the U.K, 'Filter Start' is a great product that...
  28. Daveyg1969

    What Fish Can't You Understand The Appeal Of?

    Great question. Any dyed fish. Aquatic frogs. Any sharks or fish similar to Pangassi's, that start off small and can grow to around 1 metre in length, as I feel it is cruel, unless you have mega tank space.
  29. Daveyg1969

    Whats The Most Challenging Fish You Have Kept?

    Chocolate Gourami's, gonna try em again soon tho a few months down the line.
  30. Daveyg1969

    My 1st Tank (20 Gallon)

    Would go for smaller fish myself like neons or penguin tetra's, guppies etc.
  31. Daveyg1969

    Uk People

    (Quote) Dont be jealous of juwel, lord knows why there so popular, only thing that people keep (as stated) is the glass box all hardware is naff (I know, I have one myself)...Praise cheaper eheim though haha Jewel tanks are excellent value for money, and there's nothing wrong with them...
  32. Daveyg1969

    Who Are Lfs?

    Local fish supplier/shop. Bump (which means bumping up ur posts on here).
  33. Daveyg1969

    Upgrading Tank

    Yes you do have to cycle again, but old water and old media will cut down on the cycling time significantly. Also adding something like 'Filter Start' to the filter will help. I would also transfer the old filter over and run 2 filters for the first couple of weeks also.
  34. Daveyg1969

    I Want A New Tank

    I would set up a marine tank, if you just want to keep puffers by themselves, maybe a small 'Nano Reef'.
  35. Daveyg1969

    What Should I Get Next

    I have 3 red honey gouramis in my tank, they do chase each other quite a bit, but that's it. As for fish, if your tank has been cycled for a few months, I would get some bottom feeders, Cory's are usually a safe bet. Or if you just want top swimming fish, some larger tetra's like 'Penguin...
  36. Daveyg1969

    How Long Does It Take For Algae To Grow

    A couple of weeks, unless you only have your tank light on for a few hours a day. Only experienced green spot algae, apparently it is the sign of a healthy tank, but looks unsightly. Live plants help to get rid of algae growth, as they take up the Nitrates produced by nitrifying bacteria during...
  37. Daveyg1969

    Whitespot Prob - Methylene Blue - How Do You Use?

    I would try some Protozin 1st.
  38. Daveyg1969

    Re Cycling Filter Help

    Hi Walkham, I find Interpet's filter start a good product to get the cycling process under way, it has helped me a few times, especially if used with previously used media.
  39. Daveyg1969

    Ok Im Gona Giv Up

    How long has ur tank been cycling??