I Want A New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 23, 2007
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THIS IS WHAT I WANT: (ps. i would have got the puffers for my first fish, but i didnt think i would be able to take care of them properly till i learned more so i waited. but i reallllllllllllllly want one badly, they are so cute lol)

I want puffer fish, either dwarf puffers or figure 8's
I want to have more than 1
My tank size will be 55 gallons ( maybe 75g but its only wider, not longer which kind of sucks!)
I want it to be planted
I want to have sand in it
I would like to have the option of having more than 1 light ( i.e. 1 for the fish, 1 for the plants, somehow have a cool one for the night)
I also want a stand for it
Where should i get all this stuff from? ( i live in the us, so please don't tell me UK places)
I have been looking on ebay.com and craigslist.com and they have some tanks for cheap. is this better than buying a new one?
Also is it ok to have a tank that has no top edges?
Or is it ok to have a glass top?
Is it ok to have no top?
Also, would i be able to any fish at all with my puffers?
What are some top of the line tanks in the US?
How expensive is it to maintain puffers?
how much is there food?
do puffers bite lol ?

I do have money, and I want it to look good
I will post pictures when it is done, which wont be for a few months b/c I am waiting for to put the tank

Thanks for the help!

try to answer as many as you can please, id like to know all of this
I would set up a marine tank, if you just want to keep puffers by themselves, maybe a small 'Nano Reef'.
I wouldnt bother going marine atall, theres plenty of FW and brackish species out there to keep you entertained (and as stated, you'd like either dwarf or fig 8, neither of which are marine).

Ok alot of your questions are 4 versions of the same point. Personly i wouldnt have a tank without a lid as DP atleast are known to be a bit jumpy I believe. All those questions about tank names etc doesnt matter, just get a cheap tank that does the job and is large enough :)

If you go to the oddballs section you can read the pinned topics and learn all you need to know (more or less) about each puffer species.
I wouldnt bother going marine atall, theres plenty of FW and brackish species out there to keep you entertained (and as stated, you'd like either dwarf or fig 8, neither of which are marine).

Ok alot of your questions are 4 versions of the same point. Personly i wouldnt have a tank without a lid as DP atleast are known to be a bit jumpy I believe. All those questions about tank names etc doesnt matter, just get a cheap tank that does the job and is large enough :)

If you go to the oddballs section you can read the pinned topics and learn all you need to know (more or less) about each puffer species.

Yeah u got a point there SJ, but if I had the money, I would defo go down the marine route.
Marine can be as expensive or reasonable as you make it :) dont limit yourself due to money, just be more creative ;) lol

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