What Should I Get Next


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
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hello,i went to my local tropical fish stockists yesterday to buy some more fish,but they couldnt really help me,at the moment i have 4 zebra danios,6 neon tetras,and 1 dwarf gourami,my local stockist said because of the gourami i am now limited to what i can have,wish they told me this b4 i bought the gourami,any ideas of what i can put in my tank,its a rekord 96,all my chemical levels are good except my ph is slightly hight at 7.5,but it's been like that since i had my tank,any ideas would be very helpfull :good: :good: :good:
dont hold back on the answers,come on guys i need advice :rolleyes:
a PH of 6-8 is usualy what comes out taps, mines 8.0 and all my fish are happy and healthy. some odessa barbs would be lovely in your tank, or some empiror tetras. the skys the limit.... well okay your cant have every fish in there but theres alot of fish that will live hapily in 100l of water.
hello,i went to my local tropical fish stockists yesterday to buy some more fish,but they couldnt really help me,at the moment i have 4 zebra danios,6 neon tetras,and 1 dwarf gourami,my local stockist said because of the gourami i am now limited to what i can have,wish they told me this b4 i bought the gourami,any ideas of what i can put in my tank,its a rekord 96,all my chemical levels are good except my ph is slightly hight at 7.5,but it's been like that since i had my tank,any ideas would be very helpfull :good: :good: :good:

Are dwarf gouramies all that bad? I keep 6 chocolate gouramies and they seem peaceful.

I should imagine sailfins are a safe bet, mollies, rosy barbs are beautiful, white minnows, you can also get all different types of tetra, orange ones, rainbow ones, rummy nose, bleading hearts, lemon ones, black ones! pencil fish, corys(?), golden rams (?) I am sure there are loads out there, it is a shame your lfs isn't being more helpful.

I pasted this from the internet.

Dwarf gouramis are peaceful fish with other aquarium inhabitants, but can be extremely aggressive with their own kind. In a crowded aquarium, such as in a shop, the males have not got enough room to establish territories of their own, and bad behaviour is minimised. If there are only a few, however, they will divide up the aquarium and weaker males may be bullied. They are also wife-beaters, and the females need room to escape the males when they are not ready for spawning and as soon as spawning has taken place. "
hi i dont think you lfs knows what he is talking about

i have:
10 neon tetras
7 fancy guppies
4 giant danios
2 sunset platys
2 zebra danios
1 dwarf gourami

they all get a long very well....NO fin nipping or fighting.

so those are some ideas for your tank!
I have 3 red honey gouramis in my tank, they do chase each other quite a bit, but that's it.
As for fish, if your tank has been cycled for a few months, I would get some bottom feeders, Cory's are usually a safe bet.
Or if you just want top swimming fish, some larger tetra's like 'Penguin Tetra's', or 'Lemon Tetra's' etc, or some 'Harlequins' (keep your eye on your P.H tho) as 'Harlequins' prefer a little lower P.H.
Also, Is your tank properly cycled?
If your tank has been set up for less than 4 weeks, then I wouldn't add anymore fish at all just yet, as you may be due a nitrite spike anytime, and I would wait until it has been set up for around 8 weeks before adding more stock.
you certainly aren't overstocked, is your lfs sayng that as an agression issue? with the fish you have in there already they could easily escape a gourami.

What kind of gourami is it? my experience with dwarf gouramis is only with honey ones, so its limited but they got on fine with all of my fish, you could probably fit in another 4-5 fish or so bottom to mid dwellers (thats going on the inch per gallon rule) providing you have good filtration you could add a bit more. But only small ones like maybe cory's or tetras, probably better building up the numbers of your danios to 6 aswell.
hello,i added 2 platys 5 days ago and all seemed fine,come home from work tonight and it looks as if my dwarf gourami is dieing,he's on its side on the bottom,all my water stats are fine ph 7.5(its always been like this)nitrate and ammonia 0,any ideas
how about some more Dwarfs?

you could go for some barbs or shrimp. thats what im doing.

if Platies can go in this tank you should look for them their lovely.

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