Huge Huntsman Trying To Get My Fish!


Fish Addict
Feb 4, 2007
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I just HAD to take pictures of this for you guys! :lol: If you don't like enormous spiders, now might be the time to click back... :X

Before I get to the pictures -
Huntsman spiders are VERY common here in Australia. Despite their appearance they are relatively harmless - hence I was okay with getting up close! We get loads in our house every year, usually we just leave them be because they chase down annoying insects that have found their way inside. This one in particular had been around for about three weeks. I once had one living in my shower for nearly 6 months - he even got a name, Harry Huntsman, :lol:. This one isn't as big as previous ones we've had.

I woke up this morning and found this one had come upstairs and had obviously become taken with my small betta tank which sits on my desk in my bedroom! :hyper: Thought it would be an excellent opportunity to practice my macro photography skills, and that you guys would probably get a kick out of it too, especially if you don't get spiders like this in your countries. Gotta love Australia!!! :p

This is what I found when I got up, my betta is not too traumatized thankfully :)

Good shot of the spider!

Then, unfortunately I got a bit too close and I startled him. These spiders can MOVE FAST. He ran all over the tank in every direction, until he found the hole letting the power wires out and crawled inside the tank! I'd forgotten about the hole, and had a heart attack, :lol:, but I knew my fish would be safe, they don't like water, my main worry was how was I going to get him out! :X

So, with a pen I flicked off the back lid, and found him crouched inside on the filter pipes:

Got VERY CLOSE for this one!

After taking more shots, I decided I wasn't comfortable leaving him in the tank (knowing me I'd forget he was there and when I went to feed tonight he'd jump on me and scare the crap out of me!) So I poked at him with the pen some more -

First he ran under the pipework! You can just see his legs:

But with a bit more prodding (and him touching the water and not liking it!) he ran out and across my desk and disappeared into the corner amongst some shopping bags! Hopefully he'll leave my tank alone. I'd hoped to catch him and put him outside but he's hiding now, so maybe later ;).

Hope you've enjoyed my spidey pictures! Anyone put off coming to Australia? :rolleyes: :lol:

Anyone else with stories involving creepy-crawlies and their tanks? ;)

Nice pics & story! :good: When I find bugs in the house I toss them to the oscar.
If I would have woken up to that in the morning, I would have been trembling in fear. I really don't care for spiders and around where i live they are usually small. That thing is huge, you can keep them over by you. :unsure: thanks for sharing, its nice to hear a funny story once in awhile :) take care!! check ur sheets before u go to bed tonight...ok lol
holy crap. I no longer fear the spiders in my country. Also I'm probably never visiting austrailia now...evvvvver.
If I would have woken up to that in the morning, I would have been trembling in fear. I really don't care for spiders and around where i live they are usually small. That thing is huge, you can keep them over by you. :unsure: thanks for sharing, its nice to hear a funny story once in awhile :) take care!! check ur sheets before u go to bed tonight...ok lol

You get pretty used to all manner of not-so-nice creatures here! As I said, this one wasn't the biggest I've seen, and we have these guys in our home regularly. Sometimes their leg span is about as big as your hand. They don't usually go into small spaces (or in bedsheets!) unless threatened, most of the time they're up high on the walls, they especially like corners, you can't really miss them (and you can keep an eye on where they are!). I guess up nice and high they get a good view to find things to pounce on, they don't build webs, which is why we generally leave them be!

You know we all eat 3 spiders in are sleep in a life time -_-

I had read it was actually 8! :lol: Although I seriously doubt it'd be spiders the size of this guy!

OMG im from the UK and that to me is frightening , i cant imagine a spider anything that size in my house.

As soon as i read this post i called my wife in the room to show her!

The hairs on my back are standing on end !
Ahh yes, the reason I still live in the UK :)

I'm not a massive fan of spiders and living with things like this sounds like hell to me.

I remember seeing an Australian comic awhile back who sang a song entitled "Come to Austrialia, you might accidently get killed.." :)

Now if you excuse me I'm just going to double check there is nothing crawling arounf under my desk...
Holy smoke.. I would not enter your house m8 if it were in the UK. I hate spiders (and they hate me too) to the extent that I have these ultrasonic devices everywhere in the house and the loft and the garage but spiders in the UK are so numerous that its practically impossible to avoid them.

I also have a monthly budget of £15 for crawling insect killer spray cans :blink:

That is not nice, at all. Craziness photographing that too, what if it decided it wanted your face for dinner?! I feel sick.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am absolutely loving all your reactions to this! I can't wait until I get some other Aussies in here who can confirm what a NORMAL experience this is here in Australia! To everyone that is worried for me - despite the size, there is nothing to worry about with these spiders at all. He's still in my house somewhere.

Now, if it had been a funnelweb (deadliest spider in Australia - I suggest google imaging 'funnelweb spider' for a lovely visual :nod:) I would have been running in the opposite direction. Likewise with a red-back or a whitetail spider (although these are much smaller but still very venomous). I would say the huntsman spider is our equivalent of the most common house spider. At least in my region. As kids we all learn very early on which spiders and snakes are the most dangerous, and what to do if you meet one. Actually, for anyone who's interested, the link below is some of the main spiders found in our country - with the deadliest ones pointed out. You can see my huntsman on there too:

Australian Spider Identification

As I said, when they come in our house (at least a dozen times a year or more) our family is happy to just leave them be, occasionally one will hang around for a month or two. It's interesting to see which room they're going to be in each morning - although I admit I've sometimes had a surprise when I wasn't expecting one, or there was the incident where one ran up my leg (I was wearing a skirt!) which I admit involved a bit of girly shrieking... :blush:

OMG im from the UK and that to me is frightening , i cant imagine a spider anything that size in my house.

As soon as i read this post i called my wife in the room to show her!

The hairs on my back are standing on end !

No chance of getting your wife to come on a trip down under now hey? :lol:

Ahh yes, the reason I still live in the UK :)

I'm not a massive fan of spiders and living with things like this sounds like hell to me.

I remember seeing an Australian comic awhile back who sang a song entitled "Come to Austrialia, you might accidently get killed.." :)

Now if you excuse me I'm just going to double check there is nothing crawling arounf under my desk...

Nothing there? :lol: Not hell, you just get used to it! Never known any different. Yes, there are many silly songs and jokes about us and all our killer animals! Between our snakes, spiders, sharks, stingrays, jellyfish, crocodiles, boxing kangaroos, charging wombats, drop bears, etc....;)

Holy smoke.. I would not enter your house m8 if it were in the UK. I hate spiders (and they hate me too) to the extent that I have these ultrasonic devices everywhere in the house and the loft and the garage but spiders in the UK are so numerous that its practically impossible to avoid them.

I also have a monthly budget of £15 for crawling insect killer spray cans :blink:


Wow, sounds a bit overkill to me!

That is not nice, at all. Craziness photographing that too, what if it decided it wanted your face for dinner?! I feel sick.

As I said, I wasn't worried (other species I would be!) as its a super-common, harmless non-aggressive spider. Eats insects, not faces, :lol: Have a look at the link I put above for some comparisons! They virtually stay totally still all the time unless disturbed, when they run away rather than attack (why he made such an excellent photo subject) Don't feel sick! Just a spidey. :good:
WOW tahts really scary. Take care little betta someone is in love with you.
I feed all the spiders i find in my room to the hoover *yes a full grown house hoover* and any moths, cruel I know but it's one easy way of getting rid of them.
spiders are so cool,
I want one but the g/f would strangle me :(

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