Using Mature Media


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2007
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Tucson!, AZ
so when i get my 10g set up and ready to cycle i can use media from my 20g to help speed up the process?
does it still need to cycle then or is it ready to go?
how soon after putting the mature media in the new filter do i have to wait to add fish?
If ur not using the old tank, then I would transfer the filter also, this will speed up the process significantly as it is the filter that really needs to cycle.
You can also add another filter if the old 1 is too small for the new tank.
If ur in the U.K, 'Filter Start' is a great product that can be added every 2 days to the filter to give it a bit of a boost, and works great with mature media, or any other off the shelf Bio culture will help.
Mature media like gravel and even water also helps alot, just keep your eye on your stat's for a few weeks, make sure there are no nitrite spikes before slowly adding anymore fish.
yes it will help and with in 10 days of adding the media you should be able to add a couple to fish, but remember to add fish slowly or you will have problems.
Alternatively, you could run the filter for the new tank in your old tank for about a week or 10 days and let it grab all the muck possible. This will mature the filter much quicker for the new tank.

I've recently done this with my new tank, I put an extra filter pad in my current filter for a few days while I was setting up the new tank. When the new tank was ready I took the old filter media out of the current tank and put two thirds of it into the new filter leaving a third behind in the old tank so I wouldn't mess up the cycle in there. I then immediately put fish into the new tank, if you don't the bacteria from the filter media will die. Mine has been setup 4 weeks now and all test results have come out perfect! :)
I do this all the time. LOL

I just hook up an extra air pump and filter, since I'm using a lot of sponge filters these days. After a couple of weeks, the filter is ready to go. :) I just take a handful of gravel, put it in a mesh bag, or the foot of some old pantyhose...your good to go. :D
Hi AshleySpatula :0

Once you move part of the filter media from an established tank to a new one, it's necessary to add fish immediately. If you do not, the delay (and lack of food) will cause the bacteria to begin dying off. The amount of fish you can add will be in proportion to the amount of media used. For example, if you use half the filter media in your old tank, you can add half as many fish as that tank supports.

I wouldn't take more than half the media from an old tank to keep it functioning well. The bacteria will immediately begin reproducing and will be restored to it's maximum numbers quickly, so no harm will be done. :D

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