My 1st Tank (20 Gallon)


New Member
Nov 27, 2007
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Hello All
I have just set my 1st 20gallon tank it's in the process of completing its cycle and now I am starting to think about what fish to get. I have been looking at getting Angelfish or maybe Pea Puffers (I know that I couldn't get both). I am just looking for some suggestions

Personly id say too small for the angel and too big for the puffer (unless you want a large species tank). Most people will go for the happy community to start with, which in your case leaves alooot of options :)

Btw, by too big for a puffer I mean its quite alot of water for keeping just 1 fish :) certainly as a beginner the temptation to have several species in one tank is often too much to resist :p
too big for the puffer btw these animals once lived in the ochen just how come somethings are 2 big i dont understands please shed some light:)
1) I didnt mean too large for a puffer to be happy, i mean too much space to use on a single fish (as im sure a newer fish keeper will not want just 1 fish and as far as puffers go you cant have anything else).

2) They dont come from the oceon there fw :)

Sorry if my wording is terrible, to put it another way, if he said 'I have a new 6g' then id say, aha, a dwarf puffer or 2 would make good fish to keep :) as your ability to keep multiple species is limited! As its infact 20g, he can keep multiple species and therfor is most likely to choose that over a single puffer group :)
Thanks for the Ideas I have been looking into puffers a little more and have decided to give them a miss for the time being but I would like at lest one impressive fish but understand that the tank is too small for angel fish any Ideas

Thanks :good:
thanks i never know thay bte the way what dose fw mean?

FW means Freshwater, meaning they are from Freshwater. Lakes, Rivers etc.

To the OP: Definitely smaller fish, neon tetras, penguin tetras, glowlight tetras are nice too. Or you could go for a few livebearers, if you're up for breeding and getting 100s of fish! Well, not that many. You could always get only males if you don't want babies too. Check out the Fish Species index, and check out the Characins section, there are all the tetras there. You've got lots to choose from.

Good Luck :good:

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