Juwel Weekly Filter Media Maintenance

Indeed, just give it a rinse and when its well past its best replace it with a new one :) I found having multiple layers (replaced the carbon with 2 more layers of filter wool) helps to clear up the water aswell :)

To be honest after 7 dayz my "white" wool looks past it. Brown in colour with odd bits of plant debri.

For the price u pay off ebay, i just change it.

I like the idea of 2 "whites" instead of the black though
Hey! I did a bit of research on this when I bought my Rio 125. Most people have different opinions but the conclusion is Juwel guidelines just try to get you to buy things you don't need. I removed the nitrate sponge soon after buying the tank as doing water changes are far more effective at removing nitrate. I replaced it with another course sponge. so now there's 2 course in the top holder and 2 fine in the bottom, with the wool pad on top. I've had the tank running almost a year and see no difference in these sponges. I can't see them ever needing changing! I also started to go by the guidelines on the carbon sponge but realised it was taking out all the nutrients needed for plant growth, causing all my plants to die so I took it out. I do have a couple in the cupboard just incase I need to treat the entire tank with with disease treatment to take that out when it's done. This is all you need carbon for really in my opinion.
Hey! I did a bit of research on this when I bought my Rio 125. Most people have different opinions but the conclusion is Juwel guidelines just try to get you to buy things you don't need. I removed the nitrate sponge soon after buying the tank as doing water changes are far more effective at removing nitrate. I replaced it with another course sponge. so now there's 2 course in the top holder and 2 fine in the bottom, with the wool pad on top. I also started to go by the guidelines on the carbon sponge but realised it was taking out all the nutrients needed for plant growth, causing all my plants to die so I took it out. I do have a couple in the cupboard just incase I need to treat the entire tank with with disease treatment to take that out when it's done. This is all you need carbon for really in my opinion.

So basically ur sayin, that having 2 coarse & 2 fine creates more media for the bacteria's to grow.

I actually had spare in the bottom holder (as it only comes with 1 fine blue) but from the outset added an additional fine blue.

so I could just sack off the green & black, then add an additional coarse blue in the top holder....

That's it. Your filter is smaller than mine but the same design. You have a Rekord 70 right? Compact system? That's strange it only ships with 1 fine sponge when there's space for 2! I'd do that if I were you... That's more than enough media to cope with the fish you have in there. Just squeeze the gunk out of the nitrate sponge onto the new sponge a few times after dipping it in tank if you decide to do it so you don't lose all the bacteria in it and get a load onto the new one. If you look at the similar topics below, a few people are doing what i'm doing aswell...

Just thought i'd add, I use the nitrate sponge to clean stuff now hehe.
Hey! I did a bit of research on this when I bought my Rio 125. Most people have different opinions but the conclusion is Juwel guidelines just try to get you to buy things you don't need. I removed the nitrate sponge soon after buying the tank as doing water changes are far more effective at removing nitrate. I replaced it with another course sponge. so now there's 2 course in the top holder and 2 fine in the bottom, with the wool pad on top. I've had the tank running almost a year and see no difference in these sponges. I can't see them ever needing changing! I also started to go by the guidelines on the carbon sponge but realised it was taking out all the nutrients needed for plant growth, causing all my plants to die so I took it out. I do have a couple in the cupboard just incase I need to treat the entire tank with with disease treatment to take that out when it's done. This is all you need carbon for really in my opinion.

Sounds like a good idea Jimbo, think I might try that, I like the extra space at the top of Jewel filters for the extra media, pretty good design methinks.

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