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  1. B

    What Makes Us Want To Keep Living Stuff In Glass Tanks?

    Because it fits in nicely with my other sad and tragic hobbies of gardening and allotment-keeping :lol:
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    Cool Congo Tetra Deal

    Three LFS sell them near me - two at around £5, the other at £2.25 - but the cheaper ones are younger and less flashy-looking. So unless you know what an adult congo looks like in its full glory, you might just pass them by (also, I think they are difficult to sex when small ) I really like...
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    Fish Cycling With Amonia - Size Of Drops?

    Yes, the API one for a start. Your kit must surely be measuring in a different unit . 0.25 is the lowest reading on the API chart that isn't zero :lol: Whatever the unit is ( assuming that you haven't misremembered, with it not being right in front of you ) you could always use The Online...
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    Will Fish Eat Slugs?

    I can't really see that slugs *wouldn't* be OK - unless that disgusting slime is poisonous or something :blink: But on the other hand, fish eat snails just fine, and what is a slug except a homeless snail :lol: ? (and yes, I do know that they aren't really lol)
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    Will Fish Eat Slugs?

    Well will they?? The other week I collected all the aphids I could find in my (organic) garden, and fed them to my fishies - heh heh, revenge is sweet :hey: Can I also feed them the small slugs that fell out the veggies I was washing yesterday ( or any other day, come to that) ?
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    Giant Hog Killed

    Hmmm - doesn't seem to be much independent verification of this story...... Until proven otherwise, I say hogwash.
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    Someone Please Tell Me What This Is

    I am no expert, having never knowingly clapped eyes on a dragonfly or damselfly nymph, but I think this TFF thread would be of interest to you. The creature in it looks very similar to yours. They seem to have rather voracious appetites, and a talent in eating things that are quite large...
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    I am obviously missing something here :dunno:. During my fishless cycle, my pH dropped like a stone to umm, don't know what - but way below 6, which was the lowest my kti could read. Having checked out a few previous threads on the matter, it seems that this is a reasonably common occurrence...
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    Ancient Fish

    Why does it make you sick? He is a fisherman. He went fishing . He caught a fish. He didn't recognise it, so he took it home - possibly because he saw it was unusual and interesting, possibly because he thought it might have some value (he probably isn't very rich). Added to which he could...
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    Where Can I Get Pure Ammonia In Uk?

    I got mine in Homebase. It isn't *pure* ammonia though in the sense of 100% ammonia - it is sold as 10% ( or 9.95% or somesuch) ammonia solution. However, the stuff that I bought only had water in it - certainly no soaps or anything. Worked fine :good: Small, independent hardware shops often...
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    Fish Food

    No :lol: :rofl: :rofl:
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    Most Unappreciated Fish

    There's a nice profile of congo tetras on TFF :nod:
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    Define Newbie

    I don't think there is just one answer to your question - if I have understood it correctly. Newbie is used to refer to someone new to the forum - and/or as someone new to the hobby. Usually I think people mean the latter. Further, there isn't one, single, definitive point in terms of time or...
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    Most Unappreciated Fish

    Me! Me! I've got some - they're really beautiful. And very, very greedy :lol: I've just got some half-beaks this week, too - so I must have a *really* under-appreciated tank :lol:
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    This Is A Good One!

    Well, only today I overheard the owner of an lfs *recommending* fishy forums to a customer ( obviously I piped up and recommended this one :lol: )
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    Excellent! Sounds like you are good to go, and your fishless cylce is underway :)
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    How Many Drop Of Ammonia

    It took 7.5ml of 10% ammonia solution to get 5ppm of ammonia in my rio 180.
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    Hmm. I take it you are doing a fishless cycle? A quick google tells me that Ace Janitor Strength ammonia is probably 10% ammonia - meaning that there are 100mg/ml of ammonia in your solution. What you are aiming for in your aquarium for starting off a fishless cycle is about 5ppm - which also...
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    Why Are You All So Nice ?

    I just can't imagine what the purpose would be of posting something insulting about somebody else's tank, other than to make oneself feel big and clever by trying to make someone else feel small and silly. Not particularly admirable. My idea of "ugly" is no more valid that the next person's...
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    Who's Fault Is It?

    I really think that Nevergone wasn't calling *you* stupid, kribensis - the "stupidity" referred to the ridiculously foolish actions of the customers in the examples. The coffee and wet floor signs were analogies - quite reasonable ones - as regards the lack of common sense and sense of...
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    Dye Injected Albino Corys

    I've seen these too, recently - possibly in the same place you did..... The ones I saw were injected.
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    Who's Fault Is It?

    I have to agree with Andy. I suppose if the tang was the *only* marine fish in the entire shop, then I might have a little ( and only a little) more sympathy towards the customers, but really, I think the shop is entitled to take some things as read. Or are they expected to inform the customer...
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    Sorry, Another Problem...

    Ah, I think I confused you by saying the "add reply " box - I just meant the box that you write your post in, not the tab that you click to actually send your post :lol: I'm so gald you got it figured out despite my help :flowers:
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    Sorry, Another Problem...

    I'm probably being a bit dim, but where *exactly* was the "upload" button? The reason I ask is that I don't have an upload button when I post a picture on here..... Underneath your photobucket pictures are three "addresses" for want of a better word ( suffering from slight brain failure this...
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    Why Do Posts No Longer Merge?

    Trying again at 5.42..... ETA - and as you can see, no merging. so I think it must be a question of timing :flowers:
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    Why Do Posts No Longer Merge?

    Is there a time-out thing? Maybe if you post your second contribution more than x minutes after the first one, they appear as two separate posts? I know that when mine have merged I have posted the second bit very quickly after the first - within about 5 minutes. Perhaps if I'd waited an...
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    What Filter Is In The Juwel Rekord 80

    Three separate plugs - so couldn't be easier to add a timer :good:
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    What Filter Is In The Juwel Rekord 80

    Dunno if it has a name :dunno: . It seems reasonably easy to access to me - but I don't have much to compare it to :lol: And yup, I put old media in mine too, for a kick-start :good:
  29. B

    What Filter Is In The Juwel Rekord 80

    It's a sort of tall black box in the back right hand corner of the tank ( siliconed/glued on). The heater and powerhead sit in it, in one section, and the sponges (that come with it) are stuffed into the other section. (although I have another juwel tank too, and put various media in it, not...
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    Holiday Lighting

    I read several threads on this forum about holiday feeding before I left my fishies. I was left in no doubt at all, having read the posts of several people round here whose opinions I have come to trust ,that on the whole, fish will be absolutely fine for a week or even ten days with no food...
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    Holiday Lighting

    Perhaps the OP has a tank like my 6g betta tank. Idiotically, it is made so that the heater is on one plug, and the *filter* and light are connected together so that one wire goes into one other plug :angry: . therefore putting it on a timer would mean that the filter would also be on the same...
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    Flower Horn Cichlids

    Hello and welcome :) I notice that you are still "Validating" To be able to see*/participate properly in most of the rest of the boards, you need to go to your email inbox and look for the validating message from the forum. Click on the link therein and Voila! If the email isn't obvious, have...
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    Dyed Fish Retailers

    What would be the purpose of naming and shaming an individual shop? It's not as if the dyed fish are being sold in secret - unless the owner is flat-out lying about it (and I wouldn't fancy outing a business-person as a liar on the internet without having cast-iron legal evidence). The dyed...
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    Pearl Gourami *updated 21/5 More Pics!*

    It's a shame we don't live closer ( instead of just about as far apart as it is possible to get :lol: ) as I have two female pearls that my boy doesn't like at all :no: What lovely photographs on this thread - thank you everyone for posting them :wub:
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    Aggresive Pearl Gourami

    Jakester and Sylvia - thank you for your replies. You both confirm my suspicions - that the females should be the ones to go. I think perhaps he just is grumpy, and despite being ostensibly a social fish, he actually isn't, LOL, and will be happier ruling the roost on his own. The other...
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    Decided To Add A Betta..

    I tried adding amano shrimp to my single male betta's tank (6g) . *As soon* as I floated the bag in the water, he tried to gnaw his way through the plastic to get at them. Had to switch immediately to Plan B and put the shrimpies into a different tank (where they are currently getting bigger...
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    Who Else Has To Change There Clothes After A Water Change

    I don't get too wet, and thankfully I've got a wood floor in the tank room - oops, sorry, family, I mean dining room :lol: . Although last week I foolishly left a 10L bucket of dirty fishwater unattended on the floor. No sooner had I warned my two year old to be careful of it, than he...
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    Blocking A Member

    Oooh, does that mean we're betrothed now? Ah, if only there were an announcements forum :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: [mods, please forgive me. I couldn't help it. I don't even want an anonouncements forum, and will now shut up]
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    Aggresive Pearl Gourami

    I've got 3 pearls in a rio180. it's quite heavily planted (including plenty of floating stuff), with lots of bogwood and caves. I *think* the Pearls are 1 male, 2 female - that's certainly what I asked for :lol:. My problem is that the male is really very aggressive towards the females. I say...
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    Blocking A Member

    Ah, of course - may I present my passport photo