Giant Hog Killed


May 19, 2007
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San Diego, California
That's just... wow...

Can you imagine that thing charging you if it were real??


So...real or photoshop?

Here's the article,2933,275524,00.html
i reckon thats fake, if it aint plenty of bacon for brekky :)
that's rela. I saw a aritcle on it in the times. They made it in to 100's of sausages.

It's all about where you stand to make it look big or small.
They reckon the boy was some 7ft away in the picture to make it look so big.
Totally real, this wild boar was over 10 feet from nose to tail. It is the new world record for wild boar, and the kid who hunted him was anly like 10 years old. I think it weighed somewhere over 1,000 lbs, the previous record was in the neighborhood of 800 lbs.

I guess anythng can be faked and staged but according to the ews item which I read yesterday, it was taken to a livestock auction house and weighed. I had doubts when I first read it was killed with a pistol but seems to be way too many people involved for it to be a hoax.
its bloody massive, where did it come from, the island in LOST lol.
I say fake. It's clever adjustment of photos, and good composition that makes it look big. However, one photo isn't right:


The thing is meant to be over 10 feet long, yet doesn't look it in the above photo. Comparing the size of the animal, and how big a tractor is, that animal does not look as large as claimed

The height of the forks on the tractor is probably barely 10 feet, and the animal is suspended by at least 3-4 feet from that.
Hmmm - doesn't seem to be much independent verification of this story......

Until proven otherwise, I say hogwash.
i watched a programme on this hog. experts said its a fake photo, the guy is several feet away from the dead hog.
I say fake. It's clever adjustment of photos, and good composition that makes it look big. However, one photo isn't right:


The thing is meant to be over 10 feet long, yet doesn't look it in the above photo. Comparing the size of the animal, and how big a tractor is, that animal does not look as large as claimed

The height of the forks on the tractor is probably barely 10 feet, and the animal is suspended by at least 3-4 feet from that.

if u look at the size of the guy in the tractor, the lenghth of the forks then the size of the hog...theres nothing out of place. guy looks normal sized, forks are around 10 feet long, hog aint a monster, fact! its a dummy photo. whare is the skeleton of this beast? the folk who caught it "forgot" whare they put it!

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