

Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2007
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is 80 millileters of amonia in 30 gallons of water to much? the amonia i bought is in a ratio of 1 part amonia 10 parts water. i didnt realize i had to wait five minutes on my test readings?
Is that US Gallons or Imperial (UK) Gallons?

Are you adding 80ml of this Ammonia to your tank for a fishless cycle then?

What is the brandname of this Ammonia BTW?

its ace janitor strength amonia, i already added it, and im afraid its at more then 8ppm. us gallons.
Hmm. I take it you are doing a fishless cycle? A quick google tells me that Ace Janitor Strength ammonia is probably 10% ammonia - meaning that there are 100mg/ml of ammonia in your solution. What you are aiming for in your aquarium for starting off a fishless cycle is about 5ppm - which also happens to be 5mg/Litre. So, for every litre of water you need to add 0.05ml of ammonia solution ( if that solution is a 10% one)

When I did my fishless cycle I also used 10% ammonia ( different brand) and found that adding 0.5ml of ammonia to a 10litre bucket of (dechlorinated) water did indeed make that bucket of water 5ppm.

30 usgallons is roughly 114 litres so adding 11 x 0.5 = 5.5ml would have been a bit more like it. Of course I don't know how much substrate/decor etc there is in your tank - when I worked out how much to add to my tank, I made a note of how much water it actually took to fill it in the first place. I added 7.5ml of 10% ammonia to my rio 180 and found that I got a reading of 5ppm.

Don't panic though - I am not an expert, ( and I could also be conpletely wrong about your particular bottle of ammonia being 10%) but I would do a nice biiiiiig water change re-measure the ammonia and take it from there :flowers:
ohh, crap. yeah its a 10 percent solution. should i drain the tank, refill it and start anew? ive only just begun.
Do a 90% water change (math in my head time so watch out). Refill with dechlorinated water. Don't add anything and test your Amm...

What is it now?

alright, the tank is a 55 gallon tank, just with 30 gallons of water. i came up that adding 10ml of 10% amonia will give me 5ppm. 20x.5=10, 55 gallons is roughly eaqul to 209 liters. is my math good? i was going drain the tank fill it add the amonia and start anew.
alright, the tank is a 55 gallon tank, just with 30 gallons of water. i came up that adding 10ml of 10% amonia will give me 5ppm. 20x.5=10, 55 gallons is roughly eaqul to 209 liters. is my math good? i was going drain the tank fill it add the amonia and start anew.
Sorry, but why do you only have 30 gallons of water in a 55 gallon, there is no way the ornaments/substrate/rocks and stuff could take up that much space...am i missing something? :blink:
To reiterate:

If you have 30 US Gallons or 114 Litres of WATER then adding 5.7ml of your 10% bleach solution will dose that water with 5ppm of actual Ammonia.
If you have 55 US Gallons or 208 Litres of WATER then adding 10.4ml of your 10% bleach solution will dose that water with 5ppm of actual Ammonia.

Sorry, but why do you only have 30 gallons of water in a 55 gallon :blink:
Good question. :blink:

thats all i filled it up with to test the braces center braces in the tank.

"update" drained the tank so there was only 1 inch of water left, filled the tank with 55gallons of water and the amonia level dropped to 5ppm without adding any.
That is because when you added 80ml of 10% Ammonia solution to 114 Litres, you dosed 700ppm of the Janitor Ammonia, 10% of which is actual ammonia, in other words 70ppm.

If you then removed 93% of this water, and replaced it with just tap water, you'd end up with 7% of 70ppm = 5ppm ammonia left.

My guess of 90% to get 5ppm above was pretty damn close then! :shifty: I'd also guess that your tank is 14 inches high...


Excellent! Sounds like you are good to go, and your fishless cylce is underway :)

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