Fish Food


Boss Major
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
San Francisco/San Jose, CA
i was just looking at the sample of sinking carnivore pellets that hikari sent me and i kind of got hungry :blush: has anybody tried eating fish food before? it seems a lot healthier than what most fast food restaurants and 7-11 sell. im really tempted to just eat a pellet :crazy:
no, but feel free to try it, give it a week and let us know what happened if you can :)
has anybody tried eating fish food before?

No :lol:

no, but feel free to try it, give it a week and let us know what happened if you can
:rofl: :rofl:
Well, once i got flakes stuck on my finger and didn't know, then i licked my finger i forgot what for then felt something like seaweed, it didn't taste like anything.
I have eaten it before out of curiosity. Can't really describe the taste tho.
i think Ian has although i don't know what

go for it, try some, it's unlikely to do you much harm! lol
thers some very strange people on this forum :) :hyper:
Well after long parties, i often play truth or dare games with my friends and i have to admit i have eaten fish food on two occasions as part of dares. The first one was some standard tropical fish flakes- to me they tasted like bread, not too bad. Then in another dare i ate some goldfish pelets, and now they were rough! Very sea foody sort of taste...Very gross... :sick: ...Had to drink quite a few beers to wash that taste out of my mouth, ugh...
I'm not brave enough but i remember an episode of Fat Actress where Kirsty Alley ate some :lol:
You really shouldn't eat a lot of it. It's got ash and oils and miscellaneous chemicals to preserve it. Not all too great. :X
I have eaten a cube of dried tubifex. That didn't exactly slide down! I often eat pet food its my party piece!
hey weidos there plenty of normal foods to eat stop depriving your pets :p

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