Cool Congo Tetra Deal


Fish Addict
May 20, 2007
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Went to Pet Supermarket and after asking questions, I asked the lady how much are the congo tetras because they had no price on them. She looked at them and replied "oh, those are not congo tetras, those are giant danios". I said oh and said I'll take 4 of them. (I definately know the difference between a giant danio and congo tetra) She only charged me 1.99 for them. I left with a smile. :rolleyes:
I'm not surprised you had a smile on your face. My lfs are selling them for about £7.99 each!
Gotta love them supermarkets.
ha ha excellent, they are pretty pricey aren't they!
Wow, that's a high price for them stang1. Even at another lfs who knows their fish only charge their adult congo tetras about $5.00
The LFS near me charges about what Stang is seeing. I think 8 pounds is about $16 and my LFS charges $15 a piece for adult congos, shaving off a buck or two each if you get more than one. Congos for $5 is a great deal in itself, let alone getting mislabeled ones for $2! Got any pics? I always love seeing some beautiful Congos! :drool:
No camera just yet. Have to wait until my birthday or this weekend. Going back there right now and I'm probably going to buy a couple more or another interesting fish. I doubt they've changed the price though. :D
Just came back. Again I asked the man how much are the congo tetras.He replied "Congo Tetras... err $1.49. So I bought three more. And again I left with a smile. Hopefully I can buy a camera this weekend to take some pictures.
oo cheaper the second time round, never saw them at my LFS so can't say a price, but 1.49 looks good :good: thats like 75p here
Three LFS sell them near me - two at around £5, the other at £2.25 - but the cheaper ones are younger and less flashy-looking. So unless you know what an adult congo looks like in its full glory, you might just pass them by (also, I think they are difficult to sex when small )

I really like mine - I have seven. Very active - and cheeky so-and-so's. Always willing to snatch the food out of your hand :lol: If I wasn't so rubbish, I'd take a photo......
Congos are my favourite tetras. They look like nothing when young but can be truly magnificent in good conditions at full size.
The ones I bought are small and only about 1 1/2 inches long. Even at that size I don't see how she could have mistaken them for giant danios. At least the man knew what they were. Just didn't have a clue of how much they're worth. Can't wait until they grow.
Haha, nice job on getting that awesome deal. I wish you luck with them, they are a cool species of tetra. If you have time to take some pictures, I would love to see them.
Got the camera. Trying really hard to get a picture. The congo's don't mind and actually stay still for a little. But my dang old rosy barbs keep getting in the way!!! :X

EDIT: Here's the tank and a little close up of the tetras. When I get my sd card on friday, I'll post longer videos. :D


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