Sorry, Another Problem...


Fish Crazy
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hampshire. UK
When I click on 'upload' to get a file posted the little uploading wheel goes round endlessly, just now for 30mins, surely a file doesn't take this long? I reduced the size to 600x450 so I don't think that is the problem. I have tried several times. Please help, thanks.
mmm not sure (could be a file size issue). But by far the easiest is to just pop the pics on and copy / past the IMG link into your post :good:
(it takes about a minute to set up a free photobucket account)
mmm not sure (could be a file size issue). But by far the easiest is to just pop the pics on and copy / past the IMG link into your post :good:
(it takes about a minute to set up a free photobucket account)
Thanks quick reply Bloo, this is exactly what I did (use photobucket, copy/paste IMG link into theTFF box) clicked 'upload' then waited 30mins until I gave up. I made the file small (600x450) so can't think whats wrong, but as it took me 2 days to set up the photobucket account....
oh, I misunderstood it seems. You're having problems with your photobucket account?

Sorry, there I definitely can't help if it doesn't want to upload your pic from your pc to photobucket. Some of my files are enormous and it still uploads :dunno:
So you took the code from photobucket and put it in the attachment spot here?
You're not supposed to do that, you just put the code from photobucket directly into the post.
I'm probably being a bit dim, but where *exactly* was the "upload" button? The reason I ask is that I don't have an upload button when I post a picture on here.....

Underneath your photobucket pictures are three "addresses" for want of a better word ( suffering from slight brain failure this evening)
There's a URL link, an HTML tag and an IMG code.
You can just click where it says IMG code, and then paste that directly into the reply/add topic box that you write your post in on TFF . You don't even have to use the little "Insert image" box, or wrap it in any additional fancypants codes or anything.

HTH :flowers:
If you click on the 'add reply' box' the new post gets sent before you can paste. I shall try again.
still trying
yippeeeeeeeeeee wow
Ah, I think I confused you by saying the "add reply " box - I just meant the box that you write your post in, not the tab that you click to actually send your post :lol: I'm so gald you got it figured out despite my help :flowers:
Ah, I think I confused you by saying the "add reply " box - I just meant the box that you write your post in, not the tab that you click to actually send your post :lol: I'm so gald you got it figured out despite my help :flowers:
I got with your help so very many thanks, Birdie.

Ah, I think I confused you by saying the "add reply " box - I just meant the box that you write your post in, not the tab that you click to actually send your post :lol: I'm so gald you got it figured out despite my help :flowers:
I got with your help so very many thanks, Birdie.

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