Why Do Posts No Longer Merge?


~ I learn something new ~ ~~~~ every day ~~~~
Mar 31, 2005
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
We seem to have taken a step backwards at some point. I thought the board feature that merged two posts by the same poster - posted straight after each other (with no-one else posting inbetween) - was a very nifty. A shame it no longer works it seems.
just worked for me on the classical music post.

i like that feature too though, posted something, when it was posted i saw another response i wanted to reply to and it just does it for you without having to edit the posts
How odd - it didn't work for me on that very same post :huh:
I just tried, it merges for me as well.

Perhaps something to do with you being in the 'Newsletter' group? :blink:
Is there a time-out thing? Maybe if you post your second contribution more than x minutes after the first one, they appear as two separate posts? I know that when mine have merged I have posted the second bit very quickly after the first - within about 5 minutes. Perhaps if I'd waited an hour/15 minutes/whatever they'd have come out as two completely separate posts.

Adding this line at 5.27pm

ETA when I first posted this is had the tme as being 5.25pm. Then i did a "new" post saying "Adding this at 5.27pm" - posts merged and the time was changed to 5.28pm.
Trying again at 5.42.....

ETA - and as you can see, no merging. so I think it must be a question of timing :flowers:
Thanks for that little experiment !! :D :good:

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