Most Unappreciated Fish

Halfbeaks, Dermogenys pusilla (spelling) They have pretty yellow and red on their fins, they are small and peaceful. I think there long lower beaks are so cool looking but i have a feeling they are just labeled "ugly" or "wierd looking"
Mine are spawning and are gonna give birth to plenty of healthy live babies (i told them if the babies were healthy they would get bloodworms everyday, hahaha, fingers crossed ) So yea gonna have to go with halfbeaks.
gotta agree :)
never kept them myself but wish I could, they are amazing!!
Harliquin Raspbora Tetras. People think of them as "filler fish". If you feed them a good balanced diet they get become some of the most vibrant fish you have ever seen.
Halfbeaks, Dermogenys pusilla (spelling) They have pretty yellow and red on their fins, they are small and peaceful. I think there long lower beaks are so cool looking but i have a feeling they are just labeled "ugly" or "wierd looking"
Mine are spawning and are gonna give birth to plenty of healthy live babies (i told them if the babies were healthy they would get bloodworms everyday, hahaha, fingers crossed ) So yea gonna have to go with halfbeaks.
gotta agree :)
never kept them myself but wish I could, they are amazing!!
Darn, i wish you didnt live in canada! I would certainly send you some for free once the fry mature some. Oh well, i am sure you will find some around you one day :good:
i also really love congo tetra's but you rarely see them in people's tanks

Me! Me! I've got some - they're really beautiful. And very, very greedy :lol:

I've just got some half-beaks this week, too - so I must have a *really* under-appreciated tank :lol:
he he he, if i transfer my big tank over to a community i'll be getting some :good:
this is good a lot of names coming up I hadn't even heard about :good:

I didn't actually think this thread would take of as much as it has but I have to say I am disappointed with the lack of pictures. Some beautiful fish though.
ok pics for mine



dwarf neon rainbows, one of my favourite

Thanks :good:

I have a pair of congos myself in my extremely badly stocked tank. As soon as I manage to get rid of the cichlids out of the 60 gallon all the fish are getting shoaled up, so to speak, so hopefully I will have a few more soon. :nod:

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