Someone Please Tell Me What This Is


Fish Fanatic
Nov 28, 2006
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An algae outbreak had sent my tank to hell so i decided to do a complete remodeling. Between putting back my bog wood and my plants i found what you see pictured below. Can anyone tell me anything about it?



Looks like a nymph though from what I couldn't tell you. Could be a dragon fly or may fly or something else entirely.
i dont know if it will be a threat but it is definetly some sort of nymph. sorry i cant tell you what kind it is.
Depending on whether you have any insectivores in your tank I would guess dinner ;)
If you have fry in that tank then it will attack them, kill it and let the other fish have it for dinner and keep an eye out for any more.
I am no expert, having never knowingly clapped eyes on a dragonfly or damselfly nymph, but I think this TFF thread would be of interest to you. The creature in it looks very similar to yours. They seem to have rather voracious appetites, and a talent in eating things that are quite large relative to themselves.....

If you do a TFF search for "dragonfly" you'll get a lot of threads with pictures very similar to yours - and lots of information. You'll also find a bunch of links in those threads to various pictures of other little critters which could help if you think it *isn't* a dragonfly or damselfly nymph :)

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