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    Painted backgrounds

    you can use paint, but when you feel like you had enough of it and want to take it off. you will need to use some sort of paint remover and do lots and lots of scrubbing. if you are sure you want to use paint, make sure it's not oil based ( oil based will not dry on the glass, and will pill off...
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    another page from the " Am I the only one Book"

    i plan to just let all my fish to dye over time in their amonia so i have to do nothing to do with them.
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    lil demasoni close-up

    that's a great brichardi you have, i would like to see more pics of him.
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    If my brother is mad at me he takes it out on fish

    i hate hat stuff, i had a friend come over and dump a hole bag of cichlid pellets into my tank. what i would do from past experience ( having a siter is the same position ) is try not to handel it your self, have you mom or dad take care of it without haveing your brother know about it. if he...
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    Alternative Feeding

    no its perfectly fine to feed them to other fish, make sure they don't have ich and stuff. if they are dead make sure to clean them real good. :nod:
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    thats so awsome!
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    Lfs that exchange fish

    i think it's good for the bussiness because so many people just rush in to by a fish, but it's bad for the person doing the buying. my lfs return fish only if your not mixing them (agressive fish with communty fish)
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    Puffers and Bumblebee Gobies

    very nice, i have to get me some bbg's some day.
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    got my first puffers!

    that's great, but just wondering, it says that you have a 10 gallon tank, and there are about 9 fish in the tank. i would say take out atleast 3, or try taking 4 out. but if you want to be really safe take out the rosy barbs and put in their own tank, and then the 10 gallon would be a puffer...
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    too many?

    you would need a 350 gallon tank, at least to fit all those fish with no agression issues.
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    Marimo balls

    you can use some small string, like dental floss, so when it grows it grows over it that way you don't have to remove it, but what is this ball use for, i read links and things, but doesn't explain the purpose of using them.
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    Final plan

    get 2 more neons, and add all your fish at one time so theres no agguing and that way they make terrtory at the same time.
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    New Cambodian

    nice looking betta
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    Guppy is "S" shaped?

    it most likly an internal parisite, you could pick some meds. up at you lfs.
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    A few picture of fish

    are those really yours?
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    i have 5 fish and slowly collecting, every day i meton fish to my mom, she's like " not agian " :lol: i am hoping i can have a bizzilion fish too.
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    a cory or a loach. any type.
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    enter the dragon is a movie. but anyways i find bettas boring, i wouldn't get one. they are like any other fish but live about 3 months, but if your lucky mabey 5 years, but your new to bettas so i don't that. they cost about $5, you could get a fish that much that could live 3 years on average...
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    yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo! :lol: what's up, i would do at least a week or more of cycling and add some no stress or what ever stress madicine you have at the moment. i would add a heater, but during the summer i would take it out. ohhh, and if your room is more then 80 degrees...
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    my puffer is in a 10 gallon, i know that it's small but i have to wait for christmas for my new 30 gallon tank. this was my second mistake of keeping fish in to small of inviroment, i'm never falling in this hole again. at first i though what is wrong with it, the more quetions that i ask and...
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    A new fry tank

    geez, sorry. it will work.
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    A new fry tank

    hey yo', what's up, your quetion is wierd, but if you meen you have small grain substriaght and a filter, then you can put a stockin over the filter intake tube, and the sand will be perfectly fine, with san food doesn't fall through and sits on top, givin the fry atleast 2 days to finish eating.
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    Can I fit anymore fish in???

    i say your stocked already, but you coulde add a bristle nose pleco.
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    what colour guppies have u seen?

    i only seen one albino guppie, i seen pure black ones, but mainly i seen and have these tiny ones with spots of green black and red.
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    Tank ready for new fish

    lol nvm, i'm stupid you didn't even say what type of gourami. :lol:
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    Tank ready for new fish

    i don't know, that type of gourami gets big compared to the neons, and i would get a cleening fish like a bristel nose pleco, or a snail of some sort, if you get a gourami get a jewel or honey, or a duarff.
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    How many fish have you lost?

    i lost 4, 3 red bellie piranhas that i was ready to take care of and 1 yellow lab that got picked on by my puffer, ohhh and i did lose a jewel cichlid :-(
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    Tank ready for new fish

    i think you should go with 1 apple snail 3 neon tetras 3 red eye tetras and any type of gourami ( like one honey, or duarf ) and get a black background and all their colors will show up great! and mabey some sand. :nod: sorry, i got carried away.
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    crazy cats

    well if you have a lid, then maybey we squized through the space between the filter or mabey your heater, my tank has a lis and the is a space between both were my puffer could jump out, or my cats could just drink the water (don't you love cat's?) :rolleyes:
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    What kind of Puffer

    so its about a 30-40 gallons i soppose. -_- i say get one greenspotted puffer, they are better pets then the smaller species of the puffer family, and get 3 bumblebee gobies. you could even add mabey 2 figure 8's in there to make a well puffer tank! mabey someone with more experience could...
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    What kind of Puffer

    well, if it's around 3' tall then that should meen it's around 4-5 or more in length. i would say if you got a green spotted puffer you cuold go with 2 and mabey 4 bumblebee gobies. or you could get around 6-7 duarf puffers. i'm preety new to puffers so i am still learning, mabey some one else...
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    Cichlid pics

    oh as for your brichardi, the reason why it has those yellow dot along it's side is because a lack of light, only around their face should be colorfull and their body should be a steady purplelish blue color, and sorry bout the think before, i was only kidding! -_-
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    Cichlid pics

    try going to a petsland if there's one were you live, my lfs have the brightest colored yellow labs- that's were i got mine but unfortunitly mine got picked on by my puffer, try feeding hime half of what you feed him now and only once a day, they seem to like the lights on so you should turn on...
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    Cichlid pics

    is this what i think it is, if so mine is bigger. :smb: :kana: :smb:
  35. lab4a.jpg


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    Bought more neons last night

    :nod: yep, when they get older they get a little darker.
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    just one more?

    to late, ooooooops, lol. i just got back from the lfs and got 4 red eyed tetras, one was by accident but i got him free so i put him and all my guppies in with the puffer, the puffer never bit one yet, he looks then swims away minding his own business, i have 3 red tetras in my 5 ow, the pond...
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    the reason why your guppies lived for 3 years is probley just because those are their off sping, guppie disapear by filter or deat and other guppies eat them when dead, guppies give birth throught their hole lifes and won't stopp tell dead. some guppies can live about 5 months, and i'm talkin'...
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    i would do the same thing, guppies only live for about 3 months so it's like putting them out of their missery of uglyness, lol. if you do that take out the really slow ones too because those ones have some #### wrong wit' them, good luck.
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    just got a 10 gallon tank

    ohhh, and if you leave your light on, try to leave them on for 11-12 hours- when you wake up tell you go to sleep. i leave mine on all day. if you leave them on this long you should lower the tank temp. atleast to 74-75 degrees, the light will riast the tanks temp to about 78 in the day.