just one more?

A.K.A Zak

Fish Crazy
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Ohio, Orient
in my five gallon i have a honey gourami and 3 guppies, and a couple pond snails. i want to get one more fish that will behave in the 5 gallon and won't eat the snails, perferably a middle section fish? toodles!!!
If you have guppies in there, do you want their fry to live? If you do, it may be too full as it is. (I know my tank is :D )
I personally can't help you out wiht your question though. :( Sorry
You are stocked already. And the pond snails will soon take over that tank! I started with two and now have over 100. They breed fast, the best thing to do is to scrape off and destroy any egg sacks you see on the tank. I didn't like doing it at first but they got so bad I'm in like seek and destroy mode now! lol.

All of the fish you have are more top dwelling. Gourami and guppies usually stay at the top of the tank. I have 10 balloon mollies and they never ever go past the halfway line of the tank. They are topdwellers. Maybe you could get corries, ottos, or another bottom dwelling fish. Neon tetras like to stay at the bottom of the tank but I don't think you have enough room for a shoal (at least 6).
a platy or molly might be nice. mine mollies swim at all levels. of since you don't have bottom dwellers, three little cory cats or a couple otos as suggested would be nice. plus, the cories will help eat up the food that falls to the bottom that the other fish miss (though you will need to suppliment with some sinking pellet/wafers for the cories so they get enought). how's the puffer doing these days?
OH OH!!!!!!!! You like puffs? Get a dwarf 2 dwarf puffers, they don't take up much room and would get along with the other fish. There wouldn't be any fin nipping because all of your fish are too fast for them! That would be good!

Did you know one full grown platty gets about 5-6 inches and a full grown molly gets 4? Sailfins get even bigger. So you don't have enough room for one.
to late, ooooooops, lol. i just got back from the lfs and got 4 red eyed tetras, one was by accident but i got him free so i put him and all my guppies in with the puffer, the puffer never bit one yet, he looks then swims away minding his own business, i have 3 red tetras in my 5 ow, the pond snails when they reproduce i feed the extras to hitler. i like my setups now so i'm keeping it this way, the gourami love his new freinds and acually swims in their group, i have to get pics to show the group together. :nod: i'm so happy! :D :fun:
Auratus said:
Did you know one full grown platty gets about 5-6 inches and a full grown molly gets 4? Sailfins get even bigger. So you don't have enough room for one.
Platties will get to be a max of about two inches, Variatus Platties to 2.5. so says the Baesch book, so says the Amber!

-plans to scold her fish if they grow too big-
Well, then I don't know what kind they are at petco and petsmart because they say five inches on the little card!

I doubt your fish will get too big. lol :lol:

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