crazy cats


Fish Crazy
Aug 19, 2003
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I woke up this morning to my huge foot long pleco under the christmas tree and all the cats playing with him :eek: now i'm really confused,no lids off the tanks and it took me 30 minutes to catch him b4,how the heck did they do it??? i'm rather upset at them but (hate to say this) i was looking for a way to get rid of him because he had gotten way too big and was knocking over all my plants and whatnot but now that theve figured out a way i better be carefull :-(
well if you have a lid, then maybey we squized through the space between the filter or mabey your heater, my tank has a lis and the is a space between both were my puffer could jump out, or my cats could just drink the water (don't you love cat's?) :rolleyes:
awwww no way....poor lil fishy :(

hope he's okay tho

nice avatar by the way :p
if the lid just lifts up, then he could have jumped straight through and the lid will have just fell back down on to the tank.

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