Final plan


Spinning around
Oct 25, 2003
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for weeks now i hav been asking about all kinds of fish for my 50g planted tank and i hav gradually narrowed it down to my final list-

1 kissing gourami
6 golden barbs
1 leopard pleco
4 cory's
2 angels
1 neon
5 cardinals
2 keyhole cichlids

don't complain about the kisser with the angels i am going to give it a go and see what happens. if it dosen't work then i will deal with it.

now i think i hav a little room left for a few smallish fish any ideas
A few female bettas? Or a single male, perhaps? :hey:
don't get just one neon, he will be much happier with more! and if you have any room left maybe you could get some zebra danios?
mike777 said:
don't get just one neon, he will be much happier with more! and if you have any room left maybe you could get some zebra danios?
i was hoping my 1 neon would shoal and be happy with the cardinals as my neon shoals never last long always dwindelling to one or two/
oh I've never kept tetras so I was just saying that out of things i've heard sounds good then!
get 2 more neons, and add all your fish at one time so theres no agguing and that way they make terrtory at the same time.
Neons school they arn't happy just shoaling and they like to school with fish there own size.

so i need a few neons, well i thourght because cardinals are the same size and very simmilar in colour that maybe my one neon would be ok with them?
Dont worry about what some people say about kissing gouramis with angels. The angels are actually more aggressive then the kissing gourami. They will do fine, and the fish choice does seem great as long as you add a few neons. Unfortunatly the angels do pick on the neons and probalbly the cardinals. I started out with a school of 8 neons in my 29 gallon tank with 2 angels. I saw the angels pick on the tetras and slowly the schools numbers fell to two. Now i have had two neon tetras in my tank for about a year with no problems.
ryan said:
so i need a few neons, well i thourght because cardinals are the same size and very simmilar in colour that maybe my one neon would be ok with them?
i don't understand, then why bother getting neons at all. just get a school of cardinals
I have to agree with aquarius here....drop the neon and get an additional cardinal but know that as the angels get bigger the small tetras whether neons or cardinals will begin to look yummy.
if your had read my post probably you would hav seen i already hav one neon, he was from a shoal of 10 but the rest died, i hav tried large shoals several times in all my tanks but they hav never worked always dwindelling to the odd one or two so i was going to give cardinals a go hoping the neon would shoal with them.
Ryan, I don't think the neon will hang with the cardinals...they look similar to us but not to each other. I also think that the cardinals are not as easy to keep as neons so if you have trouble with neons you may find cardinals even more challenging....therefore IMHO more neons.
First some basic information about those fishes. You propably know them already, because you have done your "final list"..

1 kissing gourami
- huge, can be about 30cm (11-12")

6 golden barbs
- it isn't actually natural fish at all (it has been breeded from Puntius semifasciolatus)
- water temp. cooler than other tropical fishes; 20-25 C

1 leopard pleco
- water must be warm, 28-33 C (if you check it from planetcatfish, there is alittle cooler in information, but warm still)

2 angels
- warmer water, 24-28 C

4 cory's
1 neon
5 cardinals
2 keyhole cichlids

So, as you can see, golden barb isn't a good choice especially with plecos. Cory is a shoal fish. Neontetra is probably eaten (by angels (or even keyhole, but it's rare)). Cardinal is also shoal fish and it is danger to become eaten too (by angels, when they are adults). Angel has BIG mouth and you should choose fishes that are more higher rather than their body is like "shuttle". That pleco isn't very good choice because those plecos which live in same area with leopard pleco (L 264) need warm and flowing water. Angels doesn't like if there is too much flowing.

I would change that list:

1 leopard pleco (if you can make some flow and keep it somehow "steady" that it doesn't disturb angels too much. They need some calm places..)
8 cory's (only corys that like to be in warm water)
2 angels (if you find pair and if your tank is at least 50cm high)
x cardinals (some other small fishes maybe (higher body) and which live in warmer water (^ leopard pleco! ^)
2 keyhole cichlids

Well, that's only my opinion B)

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