How many fish have you lost?

How many fis have you lost since starting this hobby?

  • none

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 or 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • 16+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • too many to count

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 4, 2003
Reaction score
i know this is kind of a morbid question, the wost part of fish keeping but i was wondering. i always feel so sad and discouraged whenever i lose a fish
But if lost, say 10 fish in the fifteen years that I've been keeping fish, does that mean I've lost more or less then somebody who has lost 5 fish and has only been keeping them for two years? :S ;)
I voted 16+ when you say lost, does eaten by bigger fish count :unsure: 8)
i voted 16+

i don't know how many fish i've lost - i try not to dwell on the past - but i lost some when i first started out, and i've lost a few to old age :rip:
hmm, well by lost i actually meant that they died although i've never had a fish get eaten
not knowing a thing about cycling (when i started, i figured you filled the tank with water, set up your decor, put the filter in, turned it one and letting it sit a month like that would make it all good, sheesh), i put about 10 fish in to start. five died, two i returned to the store (they were guppies and looked so fragile at that point that i didn'twant them to die too), and three (a molly who i still have and two platies that have since gone on to live in someone else's tank) survived new tank syndrome (you don't mess with Big Momma the molly, she's one tough cookie, and grew quite large actually)
i lost 4, 3 red bellie piranhas that i was ready to take care of and 1 yellow lab that got picked on by my puffer, ohhh and i did lose a jewel cichlid :-(
i didn't know a thing about cycling either. i scrubbed my tank, filled it with water, gravel, decor, etc, put in a filter, not even a heater :eek: and dumped about 30 guppies in and 2 swordtails. luckily i only lost one fish through that experience but i still feel guilty. needless to say i learned a lot since then
oh mike, how is your gourami doing? unfortunately mine didn't make it :-(
7 in a year

I was also a sucker to not cycling, but I started out with a fragile fish. I got my tank and let it sit for a week then put in my Snowflake Eel and some bala sharks. Needless to say they didn't make it.
i too didnt know about cycling and no1 at 3 shops told me about i lost a fair few......ive also lost a few due to infected live foods and recently lost a cichlid due to dropsy :-(
aquarius said:
oh mike, how is your gourami doing? unfortunately mine didn't make it :-(
Well he is doing pretty weel he is swimming around and everything my signature is a little wrong we are kinda treating him for swim bladder disease. I think that he will be ok were treating him and waiting till he gets a lil bigger so the current doesn't carry him so much. And my big guys in my 20 gallon are lookin great as usual. Also what kind of gourami did you have and how big was it?
i had a baby honey gourami, around 1 inch in length

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