another page from the " Am I the only one Book"


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
Am I the only one that Knows when I have to do a water change but am too tireed to do it and say that I will do it tomorrow and then keep putting it off for another day.
i plan to just let all my fish to dye over time in their amonia so i have to do nothing to do with them.
That's not nice! Are you being sarcastic or cynical?

Anyways, I'm one of those strange people who like cleaning out the tanks. I hate all types of cleaning, but I always clean out the tanks unless I'm out of time or energy.
I kept putting off vaccuming my room, but no way did the tanks miss a water change LOL. Part of it was that one of my bettas was/is sick and I was/am doing frequent water changes.
I'm right there with you juan lol...matter of fact I did that this week :/
But once I started 2 days late I gave it extra special was the guilt eating away at me :D
No, you're not the only one apparently :*) , I did it this week, I usually do a tank a day but I put them off all week long until Friday, then I had to do them all at once :X
guilty as charged! but the longest I've gone without a water change is 2 weeks and with 2 oscars that are practically full grown is like a lifetime!! :whistle: can you immagine the mess they like to leave me!
I aso like to care for my tanks, and maintaining them is relaxing to me, as is just watching them. That's why I like this whole hobby. I guess lazyness depends on the amount of effort that is needed to do the water changes. Plug hose into tap, turn water on, stick syhpon in. In small tanks it takes two secs, in large tanks I can go do something else in the meantime, although usually I use that time to scrub the walls, vaccum the sand, and maintain a filter or two.
Try to do it each Saturday but often get.. umm... waylaid so usually ends up Monday or Tuesday. Actually enjoy doing it, just building up energy to start it... I blame shift work as usualy :*)
:*) Guilty :*) But I DO make sure the NitrAtes are not too high. If they are, I will force myself to do it. I like cleaning the tanks, it just takes some motivation to get me started. Once I get going, it only takes an hour or so to do all my tanks. Not that big a deal......wonder why we do this???? :crazy: :dunno:
with being a 'newbie' to this hobby i find it hard to keep my hands out of the tank, or doing stuff to it 'ill just move that rock over there 'ect soon sorted it tho... i got two frgos... if they ever jumped out at me id scream the street down!!!

nightlife20 said:
with being a 'newbie' to this hobby i find it hard to keep my hands out of the tank, or doing stuff to it 'ill just move that rock over there 'ect soon sorted it tho... i got two frgos... if they ever jumped out at me id scream the street down!!!

I've been fish keeping now for around two yrs and i still suffer from the I'll just move that rock over there :lol:

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