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    Albino Frogs

    thanks :good: ill start a tank cycle later today then when i see her at the weekend she wants to chose hiding places and the gravel etc and ill probably leave it till the new year before getting the frogs thanks again cleared up my main concerns :good:
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    Albino Frogs

    thanks for your help and thats a great site too :good: havent seen anything about cycling the tank just says to treat the water, would it be better to cycle the tank before i think about going to get the frogs
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    Fish Disease Harmful To Human?

    was there not a story about someone nearly loosing a finger after a wound got infected :blink: just remember fish have sex in that water, along with other things :rolleyes:
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    A Bottomless Tank? WOW!!!!
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    Albino Frogs

    so in the pet shop the other day my gf had a tantrum over wanting some albino frogs then an even bigger tantrum about wanting 2 rats......feet stamping breath holing moaning puppy dog eyes the lot, ive half wanted some for ages so i thought the spare tank she can have it and have some frogs then...
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    Huge 900g Tank Project

    looking goooood :drool:
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    How Long Are Heaters On For Each Day

    the heaters usually say on the box what volume of water they should cope with
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    also have this problem :angry:
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    What Type Of Algae Cleaning Fish ?

    ive got a golden chinease alge eater, not scrubbed the glass since i had him, does get aggressive at feeding time
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    My Tank (let There Be Light)

    thanks :good: he comes out at feeding time
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    My Tank (let There Be Light)

    so today well over a year after buying the tank i bought a hood lightings and a load of gubbins to make it all work along with some very sorry looking bronze cory's the lady in the shop said they didnt look too good and showed me the peppered cory's unfortunatly though i was down to a single...
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    Yet Another.....what To Put In My Tank?

    i likes the idea of a few intresting cory's i only have bronze and peppered in the main tank had white clouds before they seem to be about as healthy as neon tetras :(
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    My Tank (let There Be Light)

    just going to bed i decide to stick my LED torch on the condensation tray... out of 3 guppy's i had ages and ages ago this is the sole survivor and i do love my penguins the fish are a little blurred as slow shutter speed and they never stay still
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    Yet Another.....what To Put In My Tank?

    i have a spare tank next to my computer, its 8 gallong got an elite mini filter and a 50w heater i did tempory have it rather overstocked but theyve now gone in a 15gallon so any sujestions, mini comunity or a species ive had betta's before they never seem to last more than 6 months though :(
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    My Tank (let There Be Light)

    fidling around with camera settings, 400 ISO, 0.4 sec shutter, F 2.8, manual focus i really need to get some lights in my tank :rolleyes:
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    Does The Loch-ness Monster Exist?

    ive been many times to the highland games on the ness seen some monsterous men chucking logs around and squeezing cats but nothing in the waters
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    My Local Fish Store

    wow, snapper turtle?
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    Huge 900g Tank Project

    wowser, can only imagine the exitment :hyper:
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    Gs Puffer

    15g will get a bigger one in the not to distant future no tank mates
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    Gs Puffer

    thanks guys/girls got a few better pics lightings all wrong though as im still using a table lamp to light my tank :rolleyes: playing dead in the corner 'whats up doc'
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    Gs Puffer

    started out with brackfish today heres my lil guy/girl appologies for crap quality pics plays dead when i try and take pics :rolleyes: does the belly look ok, not eaten anything yet probly just settling in 'why you takin pics of me'
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    Black Markings On Rams

    i would of said the one pictured is a female
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    My Main Tank!

    white clouds?
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    Giant Bettas

    noticed one of my lfs has some pretty big ones...........not quite that big though
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    Gravel Or Sand Or Both?

    ive got sand in both my tanks
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    So Confused

    well i have a GSP settling in nicely next on the list is a 30g tank :good:
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    60 Litre Tank, What To Put In It?

    more minnows they like to be in groups
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    Chinese Algae Eaters

    ive got the golden form had it about 6months was agressive for a while but very shy and timid now hardly ever see it can become agressive at feeding time
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    Human Mermaid

    it has gungan ears
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    So Confused

    thanks ever so much for your help ive started filling the tank 2l at a time :crazy: and mixing the tonic salt in another lfs store stocks marine fish so ill try there for marine salt ive also noticed an ebay stocklist is only a couple of miles up the road on an industrial unit on a farm when...
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    So Confused

    thanks so should i take the tonic salt back dont know if there going to have marine salt thats the trouble as they dont have any marine fish all freshwater is there no way i can use the tonic salt to get started and as you said would i be better off getting a figure 8 as they do have them in...
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    So Confused

    OMG your avatar!!!!!!!!!!! legendary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: and thanks :good: just rembered tetra have a load of conversion calculators
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    So Confused

    well i asked for a puffer the woman in the shop did the calculations for a 15gallon tank and sent me home with over a kg of tonic salt to dilute into 15gallons following instructions on the side of the box i only need about 4 tea spoons at the most i was told dilute the kg of salt into the...
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    Siamese Twin Red Arowanas

    a museam near me has a stuffed 2 headed calf :hyper:
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    Can You Recommend A Small Comunity Pleco.

    ive got a bulldog/rubber nose hes about 3/4" maximum and hasnt grown in 4 months he can get quite aggresive when theres food around though
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    Fine Gravel, Or Sand?

    sand ;)
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    Vt' Veil *plakat*

    still a rubbish pic his tank is almost ready for him now :D
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    Shell Dwelers...

    ive got the same tank and use a fluval 2+ its more than capeable :D
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    Just Thouhgt I'd Share Something Neat

    would love to see this :D