Gravel Or Sand Or Both?


Fish Fanatic
May 12, 2007
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Hi just wondered what peoples preferences are when it comes to substrate, do you prefer sand or gravel and can you mix the to together?

which is best for live plants to root?
You can mix them but the sand has to go on the bottom. If you put the sand on the top, it will eventually work it's way to the bottom any way as it filters through the gaps in the gravel. It really doesn't take a long time for it to happen either. You can put sand in one part of the tank and gravel in another part without any problems though. You may need to but some type of divider at the break though.
I think the sand actually allows the plants to root better but some sites say sand isn't good for plants. I've never had trouble with them though.
does sand make the water more cloudy than gravel?

i heard the silt can cloud the water
does sand make the water more cloudy than gravel?

i heard the silt can cloud the water
If you clean it good before you put it in, then it will be fine. Play sand is cheapest (about $5 for 50 lb) but takes a long time to clean. You will almost definitely get some cloudy water with it, regardless of how long you take cleaning it. On the other end of the spectrum is something like Tahitian Moon Sand. It is black and more expensive (about $20 to $30 for 20 lb) but is a breeze to clean as it really doesn't have much dust in it. It settles almost immediately so you don't have any clouding. I have it in 2 tanks right now and love the way it brings out the color of my fish and the plants.

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