Giant Bettas


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Erm so ON aquabid i came across some giant bettas, quite often.
My question is has anyone every owned one, is it in a way more exilherating, and does it eat faster.
Also tank requirements double wouldnt they for a larger fish(requiring more food), more waste..etc am i right?
But in the futue i would like to own one, not now though im financially broke
I have never heard of a "giant betta"... I would think it would require more food and then produce more waste...I am not sure though
Giant Bettas arn't simply over fed, FTB. They have been bred to be big, very big.

There have been reports in the past of Bettas the size of 6inches-7inches, however I am not sure of any proven evidence of this myself. Many think that 3"-4" giants listed are just 'half giants'. And the real Giants are the 'full' 6inches-7inches.

It came about, so I have read, when a breeder saw he had a large Betta on his Betta farm. They decided it would be fun and interesting if they could breed Bettas to be big. So they chose the biggest female they had and spawned them. Took the biggest male and female from the brood and spawned them again. This continued untill the majority of every brood were 'Giants'. Then they started to pair Giants with ordinary sized Bettas. Giant Bettas have been made popular through the use of Aquabid and through America. These days it isn't so hard to find yourself a 4" 6 month old Betta.

As for care Viettxboii, the same, just allow for the extra room and waste. Let us know if you get one in the future :good:
I might get one in the future.
But probably not until next year, cause ill have money from work by then.
and By then there will probably be a 10 gallon to spare.
They seem interesting, i wonder how many generations of selective breeding it took to get them.
Of course being 14 i dont want to deal with the hassles of transhipping, and am i a bit worried about it,
temperatures are pretty extreme and flucuate often.
As for giant bettas, i think in several years if selective breeding of them persists,
probably even bigger strains.
pretty cool how they are twice or more the size of regular bettas though.
wowo cracker nice pics..
lol i have a friend in manila phillipines right now =D i should tell him to pick me up a giant female plakat betta before he leaves =D
those pictures somewhat help clarify things
erm if he does go on msn LOL
otherwise next time i would see him is our grade 9 grad which is when he comes back, but ill see if i can contact him, and im getting a job soon so hopefully, i can get a nice set up of some sort =D, but not sure if he can get it safely back, because from manila to vancouver is 13 horus+ a few hours at hte air port, so about 16 hours, as i flew to manila last summer en route to vietnam last summer, thanks cracker ill see what ill see =D, im gonna have to go out for a 5 gal soon if he does come back with one =D
yeah giants are
but so are HMPK's which i doubt exists in the city, lol only vt's ct's and dt's up here
all iever saw or heard of anywho, because i know members of chain sotre lfs workers, and theres a guy who deals healthy fish around my neighbor hood but he has no bettas, but hes bred arowana though.. some how .. in this cold oblivion of the earth for mosto fthe year

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