60 Litre Tank, What To Put In It?


New Member
May 12, 2007
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Currently have hill stream loaches and some mountain minnow (2), need hardy suggestions as i'm new to this, but definitely guppys. Please be gentle.
Platys are very hardy and colourful, they will also get on with your new guppys well. Female platys get on fine without males and grow a little larger so if you dont want to breed the fish I would suggest 4 female platys all different colours if you like.
Yes the mickey mouse platys are nice, Im about to rehome my red wagtail platy he seems pretty lonely at the moment his 2 brothers died (dissapeared on the same day total mystery) :unsure: Im going to put him in with the guppys because he used to swim with them. If he doesnt perk up Ill buy him some friends would like to get him a female but last time I had both sexes in tank they bred and I dont really want them to. As I said before though the females are a more interesting fish so unless you want to breed I would just have these over the males who can squabble.
Really don't want to breed, haven't got room for another tank if that one gets crowded. How many different colour morphs of guppys are there?
Really don't want to breed, haven't got room for another tank if that one gets crowded. How many different colour morphs of guppys are there?
Not sure how many but Ive seen lots of different coloured guppys, I have a very pretty blue one and a black/red one. They get on great and are always swimming together guppys are really nice peaceful fish who will swim in every area of the tank. :good:
i hate to tell you this, but 60l tank is about 15 gallons. First of the loaches, each loach can be 2.5 inches, so for to loaches it would be about 6 gallons alone, using the 1 inch of fish per gallon method. But the research i have dont on the hill stream says that they need 55 gallon tanks, tho i cannot justify if this is true or not, you might want to take that bit of info and use it. Secod u have mountain minnow that are each a inch, so there is to more gallons. Then u want to add guppies, u would need 3 because the 1male/2female ratio, so there is another 3 gallons. That right there would equal 11 gallons, then the guppies will have babies( they always do, cant really control that) so u would need a slightly bigger tank than u have, if you were going to have guppies, unless u only got males. And on another note, have u cycled ur tank?

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