Human Mermaid

It looks fake to me the pics.
We need to reopen the x files.
Probably an x files dummy looks like one.
Talk about the weird and twisted things you can find on the interent. O what strange laughs it brings sometimes. Especially the Mermaid one...that was kind of creepy looking actually. The human face fish, well that was just weird all together. And hmm the fish with the human teeth, well i won't even go there....hahaha

:rofl: :rofl:
Lol I remember seeing that mermaid thing a while back..
Fake... but still pretty creepy looking.
Could you imagine if that thing was real? eeeeep.... I'd never get into the water again O_O
It's funny how the skin is all drier up but the eyes are still crystal clear! Kinda creepy still but obviously fake. No mermaid body would have conserved itseld that long with the sasquatch roaming the woods!

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