Albino Frogs


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
so in the pet shop the other day my gf had a tantrum over wanting some albino frogs then an even bigger tantrum about wanting 2 rats......feet stamping breath holing moaning puppy dog eyes the lot, ive half wanted some for ages so i thought the spare tank she can have it and have some frogs then i get to see them now and then, she does have other fish but i cant see them living with them so.......

my spare tank is 8 gallons and a foot tall so far i thought all good because i read somewhere they needed about 12 inches of depth but do they need more space than 8 gallons and roughly how many would live peacefully in there, just been talking to her she has a spare 15gallon tank so even better but they will be starting off in the 8 gallon

what we saw were just sold as 'aquatic frogs' but they were albino with large eyes so im guessing thats the clawed variety?
Hi! If they have no webs on their front paws, and their eyes are on the top of their heads, they are African Clawed frogs, and if their front paws are webbed, and their eyes are on the side of their heads, they're African Dwarf frogs. 8 or 15 gallons should hold two African Clawed frogs quite comfortably- they grow fairly large (About fist-sized) and will need a little room to move around. Make sure that there are no metal objects in the tank (Metal is poisonous to them) and that the temperature doesn't go above 75 F, and they'll be just fine. They are wonderful creatures, and very entertaining to keep. Here's a link to a site that will prove to be very useful: CLICKY there's tons of info there! :)
thanks for your help and thats a great site too :good:

havent seen anything about cycling the tank just says to treat the water, would it be better to cycle the tank before i think about going to get the frogs
thanks for your help and thats a great site too :good:

havent seen anything about cycling the tank just says to treat the water, would it be better to cycle the tank before i think about going to get the frogs

Definitely. Even though frogs don't respire in the water like fish do, they still absorb things through their skin, so it's best to ensure that their environment is safe and free from any pollutants. They shed their skin, too (And eat it, which is good for their metabolism, as it's antibiotic) so at those times they'll be a little more sensitive than at any other. Another thing that would be a good idea (Which I sadly found out too late for my male frog) would be to purchase some Koizyme or Genesyz (From most Koi retailers) and add it to the tank, as it kills off the bacteria that cause red-leg disease in frogs. Red-leg is nigh on impossible to cure completely, (You can only, at best, relieve some of the symptoms) and always fatal to frogs, so prevention is always the best way. Good luck! :)
thanks :good:

ill start a tank cycle later today then when i see her at the weekend she wants to chose hiding places and the gravel etc and ill probably leave it till the new year before getting the frogs

thanks again cleared up my main concerns :good:

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