Fine Gravel, Or Sand?


New Member
Oct 8, 2006
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UK (South-coast)
Im going to be starting up a new tropical fish tank soon, and I am just wondering which is best to use, fine gravel or sand? I am planning to keep a few corry's, and properly some live plants. I have heard though that sand can be a bit of a hassle with the anaerobic bacteria, does this happen with fine gravel too? Also would fine gravel or sand be better for corry’s and live plants?
Thanks for reading.

Corys will much prefer the sand. As for the anaerobic bacteria, I have never used anything but sand in my 29 gallon tank and my betta tanks and have never had any problems. All you have to do is take a fork or something like that and poke the sand when you do water changes. Actually, I don't even do that very often. I have live plants so they probably keep the sand loose.
The cories will like the sand. However i have fine gravel in with my cories. If you use gravel with the plants it will give the roots something to attach to.
Corys will much prefer the sand. As for the anaerobic bacteria, I have never used anything but sand in my 29 gallon tank and my betta tanks and have never had any problems. All you have to do is take a fork or something like that and poke the sand when you do water changes. Actually, I don't even do that very often. I have live plants so they probably keep the sand loose.

Ok then, thanks for the tip and help :D

The cories will like the sand. However i have fine gravel in with my cories. If you use gravel with the plants it will give the roots something to attach to.

Ok, Can I put both sand and fine gravel in my tank? And have the fine gravel under a layer of sand?

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