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    Spring in Texas...

    Texas is a pretty big State, I left heavy rain on the 26th in Dallas and drove home to Houston where I put my shorts on and got in a nice round of was sunny and in the 70s.
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    rodeo pictures

    So where are the real rodoe pics? These are all from the livestock show. I havent' been to the rodeo in years, in fact it was still at the Astrodome.
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    Welcome Billy......this forum has loads of information and loads of "fish experts" that are more than happy to answer your questions or concerns. Have fun poking around!
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    A formal Introduction

    Welcome Jen... If you have a chance check out the Rogue's gallery in the non-fish pictures section. It's a great place to actually put a face to the names. Welcome and have fun poking around.
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    newbi here

    Welcome Pedro and don't worry, anyone that has kept fish has a casualty story or two. There are a lot of real fish experts here that I'm sure can answer any question or concern you may have. Look around and have fun!
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    Welcome fishhottie, I'm sure you will find your stay here enjoyable. After time you should feel right at home. There is a section for pictures of non-fish pets, I'm sure you would be a big hit there with your exotics. Have fun!
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    Brand new fishy fanatic

    Welcome FLB, you won't drive anyone crazy especially with the Betta nuts we have here. Have fun poking around!
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    I'm not sure where that is but next time for sure.
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    Man Kelly you have come so far over the last 18 months. I think it may be time for an updated picture of the fish/trophy room don't ya think? And I also need to understand what you were doing in Houston without letting me know :angry: I'm sure I could have found a cold celebration beer with...
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    Betta Life Span

    Thanks all!
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    Betta Life Span

    Just wondering....does anyone know the 'typical life span' of male bettas? I currently have two of them both in 5 gallon tanks and I have had them both for about a year and a half. Both seem fine with no signs of aging that I know of but I thought I remember reading something that they don't...
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    Members Gallery Pics

    LOL doesn't my wife wish....she's crazy about Sir Sean.
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    What do you have pierced ¿?

    Kill Joy! Just kidding my friend :)
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    cutie-pie crownies

    They are beautiful Wuv. You have come so far in the last year with your Bettas, and I still just have my original crown Rocky that won the first BOTM contest. Nice pics
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    260 Bow Planted

    I tank dedicated to Tigers....what a great idea. I love those fish but never really keep them because they nip at almost everything else. Do they work good as the only fish other than bottom dwellers that is?
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    new guy here/with pics

    Looking good!
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    My aquarium

    Actually, I kind of like the third picture. Although there are a lot of plants it looks very realistic. Good Job!
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    Rude little thing!!!! lol

    It's a way to get food for the wild they do this with remarkable accuracy and knock flying food into the don't stick your nose in the water after he squirts you :D
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    Dwarf Gourami

    I agree with Sylvia, especially important is to know that dwarfs have individual personalities and sometimes some may need to be replaced with others.
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    My first aquarium - lots of plastic plants

    Looks great, I like all the plants you have in there for the fish to play and hide in
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    I nearly killed my clown loach!!!

    When I first got my two clowns they disappeared on me. I tore the tank apart removing everything including a large piece of driftwood. I never found them and wondered what happened. A couple days later they were back....I wondered where they could have been......eventually they grew too large...
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    My Betta

    Great looking pictures Sasha, I don't think I've seen a Betta with his coloring before...... :cool:
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    My recently acquired

    I can't really tell from the pictures what color this fish is, is it mostly brown? He is a very interesting looking fish however, hope you have good luck with it.
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    new tank :D

    What's going into the new tank?
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    Red Tail Gold Arowana

    That really is a great looking fish Paul. Congrats :cool:
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    It's a boy......It's a boy......It's a boy......

    Congratulations to all of our expectant Mothers out there!
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    Post your Car!

    Old faithful is a 2000 Accord EX - V6/leather package.
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    I really like the chair :P
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    Spooky monument to the dead

    Great pics Cian, I like the second one best because you can see from the surrounding trees and such how massive these rocks are. It amazes me the think that humans did that without the machinery we have today......
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    Siamese Tiger fish

    Great looking fis CFC
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    Hello All!

    Welcome LovelyNTac, I'm sure you will find this forum very helpful as you are getting started with the hobby. Good luck
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    Welcome jmelnek...... If your tank is only a few days old, I would let it cycle for a couple weeks with the danios that you currently have in there. When you do add corys, add several of the same species as they are much more social in groups. Good luck
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    Got a new camera, so I took some pics!!!

    Great pictures and a nice mix in your tank. May I ask what size it is and also do you ever have any fish give your clowns any problems? Thanks
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    Pics of my golden Ram and others

    Nice Ram, I have not had much success with them, what's your secret :unsure:
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    me and amazingbiologirls

    Hey small world, I was at the French Quarter Festival this year! I may have stumbled into you without knowing it, I was the one walking around with a beer in my hand.....does that narrow it down any?
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    Clown loach

    It just so happens that my dominate clown turns gray more often as well. However, I'm not sure that is an indication of dominance. I think mine turn gray if they are scared or stressed....I notice when nobody is around particularly with the light out that both of mine are dark black. When you...
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    clown loaches yes or no

    As already mentioned, clown loaches grow to be pretty large over time and six full-sized clowns would be too many for your tank. However, to really appreciate clown loaches the more you have the more social and funny they tend to be. So what I would suggest is that you talk to your LFS where...