My first aquarium - lots of plastic plants


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Boca Raton, Florida, USA
More pics to come soon..


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I like it... fake plants are so easy.. they do wonders, what are those blue things under the gravel at the front of the tank?
those are plastic tubes, i have two khuli loaches that love to burrow and i can never find them, so i decided to put the tubes in to see if they like em, well they did and now they never wanna leave!

after a few days the tubes start to fog up so eventually i will get glass tubes for them
Looks great! I love how you have the plants arranged and the tubes for the kuhli's is a great idea :thumbs:
I like your tank - fake plants are always very useful, live plants can be so annoying sometimes :p. Plus I am more interested in the fish. I love the tube idea too. I'm sure your fish enjoy it and I think it looks great :D

And jessuhcuh - what's your problem? I mean I'm sorry but if you wanted to critisize you could have done it a lot more constructively.
yeah i like your tank i have just set mine up to, its a lot difernt form yours will get a pic up soon

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