
Omgosh she is spectacular :eek: Of course the orange girl is quite the looker herself, but that one....humminah :hey: :drool:
Wow that Thai fish is really pretty...I love that colour.

Those trophies are the shiznit too...too bad you have to win something to get one :lol: , guess that leaves me wanting ;).

Congrats on winning, that's great how many had some really nice fishies to choose from. :thumbs:

Good luck on your next show. :fun:
wuv, you work so hard for your bettas, it's great to see all that effort being rewarded! Congratulations!
Your girls are beautiful!
(and I loved your subject line! LOL!)
Wow, she's really a beaut. Amazing caudal. :thumbs:

What awesome trophies! You'll have to post some pics of your fishroom with the new additions! :hey:
Thanks so much you guys :wub: My babes thank you too :thumbs:

Wow that Thai fish is really pretty...I love that colour.
Bah,I know. I'm liking him more and more each time I give him a looksy. It was like he was my divine find. I was late to the auction and I only had the 'no sales' from the commercial fish to pick over. He was a diamond in the rough :lol: I got him for 5.00 :look: He's from Wasan Betta.

Ya know, I never really gave the little white girl too much thought, although she did make herself known for quite some time,being so freakish and all :p But I can see why she beat the orange,she really is just too delicate and perfect. So cute. I'll keep her here with me and she can go to our clubs show in June and possibly convention...possibly -_- I may not want to part with her...
Man Kelly you have come so far over the last 18 months. I think it may be time for an updated picture of the fish/trophy room don't ya think?

And I also need to understand what you were doing in Houston without letting me know :angry: I'm sure I could have found a cold celebration beer with your name on it.

FanOFish said:
Man Kelly you have come so far over the last 18 months.  I think it may be time for an updated picture of the fish/trophy room don't ya think?

And I also need to understand what you were doing in Houston without letting me know  :angry: I'm sure I could have found a cold celebration beer with your name on it.

You!!! I pm'ed you a couple/few months ago about it! I wanted you to stop by the auction on Sunday.

Oh wait... I DIDN'T PM, I posted it in a thread right after you somewhere in Bettas. I'll go look for it. It's too late now tough :-( I even thought about ya while I was there,half way expecting you to come through the door.

By the way,...Houston made me want to cry :lol: It's so massive and huge, good gawd I didn't think I'd make it home alive :S

EDIT~ here's the thread...
I should have PM'ed ya with more details,but I'm a scatter brain. It was over off of Astoria and Teaneck (?)

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