Rude little thing!!!! lol


Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2004
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my Dwarf Gourami started spitting at me the other day!!! what was it doing ??? has ne one else encountered such behaviour?? i thought it was rather funny, i open the lid and its just started shooting water up in the air :lol:
hehehe....mine did that all the time! It was too cute! I kept saying I should call him "Squirt". He knew when he did it he'd get fed.
Hm. Never had this happen, ever. I hear pops and see bubbles when they feed, but they seem to cower in fear whenever they sense motion anywhere outside of the tank.
My dwarf learned to do this when he wants a special treat. :) They're very clever! It's related to their wild behavior of shooting water when they want to (usually) hit insects and knock them into the water. Yum, easy meal. ;)
It's a way to get food for the wild they do this with remarkable accuracy and knock flying food into the don't stick your nose in the water after he squirts you :D
Mine always 'pop' when they eat their food, not sure if they squirt at me! They best not do, cheeky buggers! :p
lol, as said, this is perfectly normal. i kept two gouramis in with about 20 molly fry once. the day came to remove the molly fry to take to the lfs for trade in. as i was netting them all up, my gourami must have decided i looked like a tasty treat, he spit at me and hit me right in the eye!!!!! (either that or he was upset i was taking away all his little buddies). i was laughing so hard i had to take a break from getting out the fry. i knew they did that, just never expected to witness it in my tank.
Mine used to kind of snap at the water. The water wouldn't fly up in the air, but it would make a bubble or two. She did this when I opened the lid of the tank right before I fed them. Too bad I only had her a a week or 2 before she died. One night I came home and she had no tail...just a stub. She was all chewed up. I took many pictures of her, knowing she probably wouldn't make it. Then the next day she was dead. :-( I never knew what happened to her. -shrugs- I want another one, but no room in my tank as of right now. I'll wait until I get a 20 gal in about a month.

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