It's a boy......It's a boy......It's a boy......

I am around 20 weeks .... not 100% sure whether it's less or more :*) My uterus is already above my belly button so that would indicate over 20 weeks, but I have REALLY big babies so :dunno: Last one was 10 lb 4 oz and my boy was 9 lb 4 oz......YIKES!!!

Amber, Congrats......I think we are about the exact gestation!!!!
Can't wait to see your pictures, if you are able :cool: :cool:
Congratulations :D :thumbs: :D :wub: :D

but i do think everyones underestimating the tank size you'll need

i have three of those (well the female models) I've had them all for at least ten years now, they all outgrew a 200 gallon years ago!!!!

i had to upgrade to a house, cost me a fortune :hyper:
Cute Lady Tanksalot!! :wub: :rofl:

When are you and that husband-to-be of yours gonna have one girl?!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is definitley my last :-( :/

silver said:
Three isn't a very big school is it :lol: B)
im 33 weeks pregnant , and havin a repeat csection January 20th 2005 :) but im not due until Jan 28th! i have a daughter already and having another!! I had one of those 4d ultrasounds lsat week and this is a pic


we found out she was a girl at 20 weeks tho!!
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe the picture Clusters.........that is so amazing!!!!!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

What an adorable baby........girl??? Boy??

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Edit>>> DUH........girl!!! :rolleyes: Congrats :clap:
-_- Hope this isn't catching, seems to be a lot of fry due soon :unsure:

That scan picture is amazing :thumbs:

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