me and amazingbiologirls


Mar 2, 2004
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this is the biggest exhibit at the aquarium where amazingbiologirl and i volunteer.this is 500,000 gallons and those shiny things you can see are called tarpon. We have the largest tarpon known to man,hes over 250 pounds :hyper: . sorry for the bad flash problem...Lindsays mom took the pic. BTW thats us about to start a chat... :nod:

edit:there is also a black tip reef shark not too far over my head.
Is that a "new" exhibit (within the last five years or so?)? I've been to the AOA, but I don't remember that "tank" (granted, it's been a long time since I've been there, so I may have forgotten!). It's quite a nice aquarium, from what I remember. I'd love to visit it, as well as N.O. and the Audubon Zoo (I job shadowed there for two weeks), again. Fun place to visit :)

aka Married Lizard :wub:
nope its the final exhibit,but there are a whole lot more fish now.within the years we now have sea otters and a frogs should come back! :nod:
When did you start working at the Aquarium of America? My fiance and I went there during the French Quarter Festival (we didn't mean to since we actually were just taking my mom to the airport, but stayed the night and left the next morning). I LOVE NOLA! Those tarpons are amazingly huge. If anyone goes to the NO then I definitely suggest the aquarium. (I loved the jellyfish exhibits and all the cool learning tools there.) We spent at least an hour in there, but would've stayed longer.
Hey small world, I was at the French Quarter Festival this year! I may have stumbled into you without knowing it, I was the one walking around with a beer in my hand.....does that narrow it down any?
Yeah, sure does... maybe you saw me too! I was the one carrying the large cup of white russian slushie at 9 that morning and then carrying around a beer per hand! ;) You know it's always buy 1 get 2 free ;)

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