Betta Life Span


Fish Herder
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Just wondering....does anyone know the 'typical life span' of male bettas? I currently have two of them both in 5 gallon tanks and I have had them both for about a year and a half. Both seem fine with no signs of aging that I know of but I thought I remember reading something that they don't live that long?????
That is quite good. The average life span is about 2 years. When they are in the lfs they are usually about 6-10 months old already, and pretty much past their prime time. Yours seem to be doing well.
I have read anything from 1.5 years up to 5 years. I would imagine 5 years is under perfect conditions which bettas are almost never subjected to. Maybe if you raise your own, that would be a possibiltiy.
It definitely depends on the age and initial quality of the fish. We have one in a 30 gallon community tank and he's just coming up for 4 years, while I've had others that have sadly only lasted 6 months.

Most places/things that I've read say anywhere from 2-5 years.
I had my first betta in aprox a half gallon bowl. He lived 4 years with me . good luck :)

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