A formal Introduction


Fish Crazy
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit, Mich USA
I've been visiting this forum now for a few weeks... I'm still a newbie so I thought I would introduce myself a little bit rather than just be a screen name.

My name is Jennifer, I am 24 years old, I have 2 sons Logan- 4 yrs., and Chase 2 years. I live in Michigan in USA. I recently got out of a "yucky" relationship with my kids dad..., but I am now in a great relationship and getting my life back together. I have enjoyed fish since I was younger, but just recently got back into fishkeeping. I love music- all types- but mostly rock-n-roll!

Does anyone else want to introduce themselves? I like to know whos behind the screen names.... and who I am talking to :D
hey im pete, 22 near enough, a post grad student also in englan, a newbie myself ot to the forum and fish keeping.!!!!!

PS lady tanksalot i didn't now you were a speacil needs teacher, might have to turn to for help know.... don't know what youve let yousel in for... he hee only kidding..

welcom to the forum jen hope you find it useful and friendly as i have and good luck get your life back on track
Hi Jen :D

Im from London, England and have loved fish keeping all my life. Ive mostly till now kept tropical, although when i was younger i had a native marine tank. I recently made the jump to Marine and im loving it so far.

My big hobby is scuba i love being right in there - shame my tank aint just quite big enough for me. I'll have to wait till April when im off to D. Republic for some diving.

Jen21 said:
I've been visiting this forum now for a few weeks... I'm still a newbie so I thought I would introduce myself a little bit rather than just be a screen name.

My name is Jennifer, I am 24 years old, I have 2 sons Logan- 4 yrs., and Chase 2 years. I live in Michigan in USA. I recently got out of a "yucky" relationship with my kids dad..., but I am now in a great relationship and getting my life back together. I have enjoyed fish since I was younger, but just recently got back into fishkeeping. I love music- all types- but mostly rock-n-roll!

Does anyone else want to introduce themselves? I like to know whos behind the screen names.... and who I am talking to :D
Welcome Jen...

If you have a chance check out the Rogue's gallery in the non-fish pictures section. It's a great place to actually put a face to the names.

Welcome and have fun poking around.

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