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    Plywood Tank Build Questions

    If I go ahead with the plan I'll make a build thread. At this point, I know it works from my research, and honestly, looking at the plans on GARF and other websites, it's really pretty simple. I'll get the playwood boards and front glass precut at Home Depot. Bring it home, put some liquid...
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    Plywood Tank Build Questions

    Actually, it's becoming more and more common with just 3/4 inch plywood. The playwood by all accounts holds up very well to the pressure, and the tanks are as durable and long lasting as all glass. I know, i was skeptical at first too, but I've read extensively on them and seen build threads...
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    Plywood Tank Build Questions

    Hey all, Has anyone here had experience building a plywood tank? If so, what were your impressions? I've read about contruction and the methods used, and am almost ready to give it a try. Really very minimal carpentry skill is needed (building the stand seems to require more skill than the tank...
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    Are Two Filters Better Than One.

    Running two filters will improve water quality, work as a failover should one die while you're away or asleep, AND it will allow you to push your stocking levels further as your filtration will be able to handle a greater bioload.
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    Fish Guarantee - Do You Return A Dead Fish?

    Most guarantees require a water sample. They'll test your water and if they find that the water parameters are not good, they will often refuse the return.
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    Tiger Barb Problems

    Well your first problem is going to be tank size. 10G really isn't big enough for all those fish you have. Keeping tiger barbs in a 10G is controversial enough as it is, as those suckers can get big. Next, Tiger Barbs tend to be semi-aggressive fin nippers. They should be kept in groups of...
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    Tank Long?

    Did you rinse the sand before you put it in? If not, it's not a big deal, but it may be cloudy for up to 2 days or so.
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    40g Ideas...

    I'm leaning toward Angels. What about Firemouths? I believe they're generally a 30G minimum. I actually used to have a Tanganyika shelldweller tank in a little 10G. With a tank 24 inches high though, there would be a lot of dead space in the top half of the tank.
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    40g Ideas...

    Glad you asked that. As it turns out, I've bee under the impression it was a 40G for about 4 years. That's what the person who sold it to me claimed it was, and I never really thought to doubt him. Turns out, it's a 37G. 30x24x12. Still with a 24in. Height, a few angles should be fine...
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    40g Ideas...

    Bump. No ideas? I'm just looking to brainstorm. I'm thinking maybe angels becuase the tank is so tall.
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    40g Ideas...

    So I've been a member here for a few years, but don't post much. I've never been one for "what should I stock my tank with?" thread becuase I always believed your tank is a reflection of you and your preferences. You should stock your tank with fish that you like, not someone else. That...
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    Carbon In Saltwater

    Salinity should be a specific gravity of 1.023-1.026. Temperature isn't too important as long as it is STABLE and somewhere between 75-84F. You can use carbon in a SW tank. It is up to you. Other mediums like Chemipure have added benefits to normal carbon and last longer though.
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    How Was Your Start To The Hobby?

    My start went well. Everyone loses fish. EVERYONE. Even public aquariums. It happens. Fish die in the wild and they will die in your tank. Sometimes of natural causes, sometimes from disease, sometimes from accidents. But it will happen. Sometimes it is avoidable, but sometimes it...
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    Glass Tops

    Yes, The black strip hinge on the versa tops are removable. They slide right off.
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    Tank Top Ups

    Normal tap with a squirt of stress coat. Never had any problems with algae or fish health with this. However in my Saltwater tank it is strictly distilled or RO water. No exceptions. Using tap will cause a nasty algae bloom.
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    Benefits Of Moon Light

    Some people claim it will elicit natural spawning behavior in fish. However this isn't proven at all. Most people get them so that they can view their fish at night if they have nocturnal fish. Also it looks nicer than a big dark tank at night, especially if your tank is in a high traffic...
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    Hermit Crabs

    Generally Red Leg/Scarlet Hermits are less agressive than Blue Legs. Blue legs are known to kill snails and other hermits for their shells far more frequently than red legs.
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    Which Foods Do You Use?

    Feed my freshwater fish: TetraColor Flakes Freeze Dried Mysis or Brine Shrimp Frozen Brine Shrimp I feed my Saltwater tank: ORA Glow Pellets Omega One Flakes Formula One Frozen Frozen Brine Shrimp
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    How Quick Can You Establish A 10-12 Liter Tank

    That's what I was refering to. Hope I didn't make it sound like he should go from scratch like that!!
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    New Clown Fish Please Help

    I third this. While I do know people who have added a 2nd clown to a tank, this is hit or miss, and more often than not, miss. However, if you introduct two juviniles at the same time, they'll get along just fine 90% of the time. So I agree with the other two. See if your LFS will allow...
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    How Quick Can You Establish A 10-12 Liter Tank

    Anywhere from 2 weeks to a month *generally*. It all depends on the amount of dieoff of the rock. With uncured rock there is generally a large amount of dieoff from shipping and as such, it can take a couple weeks or more for the dieoff to decompose and the nitrifying bacteria colony to...
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    Long Mysterious Worm

    Hehe I got a similar comment at work today. Talking to a client he said, "oh you guys are based in NY...I'm going to be in New York City in 2 weeks I'll take you out for a drink." I had to explain that Buffalo is as far away from NYC as you can get while still being in the state. Hehehe.
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    Problems With The Reef Tank...

    I'm not an aglae expert so I cannot comment on the type. However I can hopefully help with the rest. First off, do you have any shrimp that you know of? If you do, the "dead" shrimp you saw could have just been their sheeded exoskeleton, which is normal (my coral banded shrimp just did it...
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    Aquarium Backgrounds?

    Some people claim the background makes fish feel safer. It can also turn the glass into a mirror which freaks out some fish. Generally this isn't a problem and fish will get used to it. You can go the photo-background route, which are the big photos of plants/rocks to add depth to your...
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    Which Setup Do You Like Better

    I like the active tank. And Tiger Barbs are my favs. Tiger Barbs will limit the other inhabitants you can have, but boy they are worth it. My fave FW fish by far.
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    Centerpiece Fish

    Hmm. It depends. The centerpiece of your tank can be different depending on who is viewing it. If someone not familiar with fishkeeping is viewing, then usually the largest/most active/most colorful fish. If a fellow aquarist is viewing then it may be whatever fish is hardest to keep or...
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    Does Anyone Find Fake Plants Annoying.?

    Fake plants have some advantages for some people. They are no-maintainence first off. Second you don't have to worry about upgraded lighting or a CO2 diffuser or any of that jazz. Plus they're eaisier to deal with for some Cichlid species that like to dig up plants. If you can afford to...
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    What Size Tank For Pair Off Clown Fish?

    If the clowns are a pair, you can keep them in a 10G nanoreef. Some people will debate this, but it's really personal preference. Other people will say 20G minimum. And yes, forget about the anemone, at least for a year until your tank is stable and mature. Also you'll need strong MH lighting.
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    Nasty Little Brevis!

    Ha, my Brevis do the same thing. Well the female from my mated pair does. Yes they have little tiny teeth on the inside of their mouth. However you are in NO danger. They are much to small to do any type of damage to you.
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    Red-eared Slider In The River Thames?!

    Someone definately dumped him as they are native to the Southern USA. He may be ok there, he may not. Not much you personally can do. As long as he has ample prey, he should be ok. Of course the Thames gets much colder than the lakes of the Southern US...but if he finds a good place to...
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    Oh God, I Have A Big Problem.. And Im A Little Stressed Too.

    The only fish I'd reccommend really worrying about that with would be cichlids and saltwater fish. Both can be remedied by using sand/gravel made from crushed aragonite which will raise PH. Most normal freshwater fish don't REALLY give a hoot about your PH as long as you avoid the extremes...
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    Do You Keep A Tank Diary?

    Nope. I've thought about it, but never saw the advantage. I know the species I keep, and if my paramaters are out of whack I'm more concerned with fixing them than writing them down. True, recording can help with future problems, (ie. I can see what I did last time I had that or a similar...
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    Best Anemone For Maroon Clown

    Here is a decent chart of compatibility between anemones and anemonefish. It's brief, but gives you a good idea.
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    Urchin Eating My Hammer

    Provide supplimental food for him. They like Algae (as you probably noticed when he likely cleaned your rocks of coraline algae), but will eat about anything. If he's eating your corals try and feed him more. Get some sinking wafers or something and see if he'll eat them. That may solve your...
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    Easy Corals For Beginner?

    Kenya Trees, Mushrooms, Zoas, etc etc etc. With few exceptions, Softies are easy to grow if you provide the right conditions. More LPS are pretty easy too. SPS is where it gets a bit tougher. Also, make sure you know if a coral is photosynthetic or not. The ones that aren't can be a pain in...
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    Suitable Fish For A Nano Tank A guy on made a nice guide about this. He breaks it down by tank size and difficulty. Use it to get some ideas, but not make a final decision, which will depend on more factors than just tank size. For example, some...
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    N. Multifasciatus Tankmates?

    It's a 10G setup, and everyone seems content and non violent for the mostpart. No one actively chases anyone around the tank, and everyone has their territory.
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    Sorry for the loss. Could be a few things. First off it sounds like a Heat/O2 problem. What was the temp in the tank when you found them all struggling and then dead? As the temperature warms up with Summer upon us there is less O2 in the water. Warmer warter holds less O2 than cold water...
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    N. Multifasciatus Tankmates?

    I have N. Brevis, which are similar to Multis. 1/2 of my take in sand and shells, the other half is rockwork. My N. Brevis stay near their shells and in the rocks live my Julidochromis Dickfeldi. They are relatively peaceful Julies with some nice color. They don't "get along" with my...
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    Lighting For 20 Gallon Long

    Well I just went with a 10G due to space issues, and went with a 65W PC fixture. I'm hoping to keep Zoanthids, Mushrooms, leathers. Nothing too fancy.