Are Two Filters Better Than One.


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Huddersfield W.Yorks
So today i changed my substrate. I went for play sand. (looks pretty cool). Anyway the story, i thought i had broken my fluval 2 so i went out and bought a fluval 3 put the old media in the new filter set it running and all was hunky dory. Untill, i thought, "maybe it was just a blown fuse in the original filter", so i changed the fuse and hey presto i have two working filters. Now my tank is only around a hundred litres so a fluval 2 was doing a fine job, i have already put the fluval 3 in the tank so i cant take it back. (i got a 3 cos i have dreams of a bigger tank - someday) So at present i have them both going in the tank, i know this is probably going to cost more in electricity, but i figured it would improve water quality.

Is this correct will it improve my fishes standard of living?

I love writing my stories, probably way more than you enjoy reading them.

One day i will tell you about my bullied red honey gourami who is going back to the LFS tommorow. Sniff.
two filters is better than one
less bad stuff but add more bacteria than usual lol

two filters is better than one
less bad stuff but add more bacteria than usual lol
two filters is better than one
less bad stuff but add more bacteria than usual lol
two filters is better than one
less bad stuff but add more bacteria than usual lol

two filters is better than one
less bad stuff but add more bacteria than usual lol
two filters is better than one
less bad stuff but add more bacteria than usual lol

(was that a repeat to fade?)
i always think two filters whatever the circumstances - should one fail, you have a backup - plus, it will help filtering, in that the water quality will be better, and the water clarity will be better. better filtering all round i would kep it as it is
no it was an error but it adds to affect ..... the laptop is old and crusty and often clicks many more times than i want it to
Two filters is better than one for sure.If the extra current isn't bothering your fish you can't go wrong with running two filters.I also wouldn't worry about the extra electricity,the bill will not change that much from one extra filter,in fact,unless you have the most regular bill in the world you'd be pressed to spot a difference.
Actually, I think there's an echo in the thread.

I agree that in most cases 2 is better than one. If you've got a 10 gallon tank, running 2 might be overkill and would take up too much room. But for most tanks, a second filter adds some security. If one goes out, the other can still handle the toxins. On any tank over 3 foot, personally, I would always run 2 filters not only for the security issue but also, it just seems to me to offer better circulation and coverage.
Thanks for all your replies. I guess i am keeping them both in!

(i am a tiger barb fan, so i have nothing in their slow enough to be seriously hindered by current.)
In my 86g I run 1 x external, and 1 x internal for poop hoovering and it works very well indeed :D
I run two filters on both of my big tanks, not only for good water quality and security but through a tragic experience.
Last year, my filter clogged during the night and I woke up to find 7 ornate Plecs, 3 Pictus cats, a couple of Loaches and some Tetras all dead.
I was devastated, especially as I'd had them from juvenilles and had watched them grow. The only consolation (if you can call it that) was that I didn't lose all the fish in the tank.
I wouldn't want to put my fish or myself through that again. :sad:
Running two filters will improve water quality, work as a failover should one die while you're away or asleep, AND it will allow you to push your stocking levels further as your filtration will be able to handle a greater bioload.
i have a UGF and inbuilt biologgical filter in the back of the tank!

i still do water changes, but sure as hell it helps!
Hi. I have a rio 180 and I am running a tetratec 700 external as well as the standard internal. It seems to work really well. I gravel vac and do about 15-20% water change every week.
agreed . on my 100g i use a big external for bio filtration with an internal to polish the water

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