Hermit Crabs


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2007
Reaction score
Kent, England
Hey :good:

I have three Blue Legged Hermit crabs and I was just wondering if you can mix other kinds with them (like the red ones). I believe someone told me at one of my LFS that you cannot but I can't fully remember.

Is it one of those things that depends upon the attitude of the individual crab?

Crabs are scavengers and therefore have no morals hence will attack each other regardless. If you have a big crab then it may harass the little carbs, mine does he takes great pleasure in knocking the little crab from the top to the bottom of the aquarium. Certain types of crab as well are a problem emerald and sally light foot crabs are both 'bigger' crabs which like to remove the competition for foot and living space. The blue legged and scarlet legged hermits are meant to be less aggressive but as I said above will still fight. I think mix them but make sure food is plentiful as this is usually what disputes are about.

I have both types in my Nano, they have the odd altercation but nothing serious, I provide numerous empty shells of varying sizes and this maybe calms their urgence for killing eachother and stealing each others real estate.
Generally Red Leg/Scarlet Hermits are less agressive than Blue Legs. Blue legs are known to kill snails and other hermits for their shells far more frequently than red legs.

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