Tank Clearing...how Long?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 14, 2009
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Well I just got my 29 gallon going today and I added Black sand...looks amazing! Well when I poured the water in, it got cloudy of course.

My question is, how long will it take for the tank clear up?

Also, should I run my filter with just the foam insert in, just to clear it up a little faster? (AquaClear 70)

I will be cleaning the foam insert every now and then just under plain tap water.

Did you rinse the sand before you put it in? If not, it's not a big deal, but it may be cloudy for up to 2 days or so.
Did you rinse the sand before you put it in? If not, it's not a big deal, but it may be cloudy for up to 2 days or so.

Actually no...I really could not think of a way, sense the sand is so small, I could not use a strainer or anything.

What i am doing is taking about 20% of the water out, then filling the tank back up. I just keep on repeating that process.

Is that a good idea...should I keep doing that?

Thanks for the reply!
Rinsing the gravel would have been a good idea but the water will clear anyway. Rinsing a filter sponge under the tap is a terrible habit to get into. Filter media should only ever be rinsed in used tank water. The chlorine in tap water will not be good for the bacteria that you need to have colonize the filter.
Rinsing the gravel would have been a good idea but the water will clear anyway. Rinsing a filter sponge under the tap is a terrible habit to get into. Filter media should only ever be rinsed in used tank water. The chlorine in tap water will not be good for the bacteria that you need to have colonize the filter.

Yes I know...the only reason I am cleaning the filter (Foam) every hour or so, is to get the sand that has gotten stuck in there. I am just trying to speed up the clearing process.

I am not doing any sort of cycling at this point.

And I have no chlorine in my tap water...as I have well water.

I am actually going to be taking mature filter media from another filter of mine and putting it into the new one tomorrow.

And I have added Stress Coat Plus as a dechlorineator.

As mentioned, it will settle on it's own. How long will really depend on the type sand you used. The only black sand I've used is Tahitian Mon Sand and it really didn't take much to wash it. Not a lot of trash in it and it settles almost immediately in the tank.

For future reference, the way I rinse sand is put a small amount in a 5 gallon bucket (maybe a quarter full)turn the water on and stick the hose down into the sand, basically stirring the sand with the hose. It will get most all of the loose stuff flowing. I will let a lot of the junk just overflow the bucket and every litte bit, stop the water, let the sand settle and pour out the water with all the loose stuff. Depending on the type sand you use, it could take numerous washings. I have also heard of people using some type pillow case or stocking and then running the water through it. The fine stuff comes out while the coarse stuff stays in.
As mentioned, it will settle on it's own. How long will really depend on the type sand you used. The only black sand I've used is Tahitian Mon Sand and it really didn't take much to wash it. Not a lot of trash in it and it settles almost immediately in the tank.

For future reference, the way I rinse sand is put a small amount in a 5 gallon bucket (maybe a quarter full)turn the water on and stick the hose down into the sand, basically stirring the sand with the hose. It will get most all of the loose stuff flowing. I will let a lot of the junk just overflow the bucket and every litte bit, stop the water, let the sand settle and pour out the water with all the loose stuff. Depending on the type sand you use, it could take numerous washings. I have also heard of people using some type pillow case or stocking and then running the water through it. The fine stuff comes out while the coarse stuff stays in.

Thanks for the reply!

Yeah, the type of sand I used was Tahitian Moon Sand; looks really nice I must say!

an aquaclear should clear the dust in a matter of hours IME

Yup...it has!

There is still a slight haze left in the water so I threw the activated carbon in to get rid of that...should be gone by morning.

Then tomorrow I am swapping out everything but the foam insert with mature filter media!

I will post pics tomorrow of the new tank!

After first setting up a new tank, the water won't be crystal clear. There are millions of tiny air bubbles in the water that will have to rise to the surface. Also, you will start to get a bacterial bloom soon that will cloud it again but that isn't something to worry with. Check our backtotropical's pinned topic on bacterial blooms if you haven't already.
After first setting up a new tank, the water won't be crystal clear. There are millions of tiny air bubbles in the water that will have to rise to the surface. Also, you will start to get a bacterial bloom soon that will cloud it again but that isn't something to worry with. Check our backtotropical's pinned topic on bacterial blooms if you haven't already.

Yup...bacterial bloom has come and is almost gone. Will be gone for sure in a day!

I put in mature filter media form another tank I had...added my fish...everything is looking good with temp holding steady around 78 degrees F!


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